The Rhythm Of Life

SUN., AUG. 29, 1982, 5:58 AM

You are back in the old familiar study after a nice vacation and a different rhythm to life. Now you are reestablishing the older and more familiar one of teaching and the Farm… and you are here as the sky is dawn-colored. It did take a few days to make the transition, but you knew that this was the morning you would awaken early and return to Me. And so it is.

Your teaching load was diminished unexpectedly, which gives you time for both your Ruminations and some other papers. You still must set aside time, as you tell your younger colleagues to do, to accomplish these writing/teaching tasks. This must be part of your rhythm for this coming Fall season.

As you have considered I shall verify that this “extra time” should be used to both formulate a research project with a continuing focus on human/spiritual interaction and to seek some funding help for such a project. These are aspects of a desirable rhythm for you that have not been explored and developed. Now is the time.

You had, during your time in Hawaii, experiences with your mother and father that were unique. It is understandable that you wish that your mother would have been well and in good spirits, making a good adaptation to life in that island land. Yet you also know that this difficult time was one of growth, discovery, and positive experience. It was a time of positive life and health contending with sickness, anomie, and desire to die. I told you that though her time to pass on is “at hand” the medical treatment could be relatively successful, and the restoration of peace in her mind could make it possible for her spirit to unify this last portion of life. Her spirit is developed enough to overcome the negatives that she saw in her present life situation, but the recovery may not be sufficient… or the spirit may have more desire to “move on”.

SUN., AUG. 29, 1982, 5:58 AM

You are back in the old familiar study after a nice vacation and a different rhythm to life. Now you are reestablishing the older and more familiar one of teaching and the Farm… and you are here as the sky is dawn-colored. It did take a few days to make the transition, but you knew that this was the morning you would awaken early and return to Me. And so it is.

Your teaching load was diminished unexpectedly, which gives you time for both your Ruminations and some other papers . . .

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