The Rhythm Of The Future

JAN. 11, 1981, 6:07 AM

I shall accept this, o son, as the fulfillment of My request… this morning in place of yesterday. You could feel, in your soul, that this would be an appropriate substitution, while you felt real compulsion on the other days. My Spirit shall guide you in matters of this source. So relax and follow where and how I lead.

Several things juxtaposed yesterday, and from these must come some comments on the rhythm that shall be the future. Of most import was the rereading of Entropy, which you now see needs inclusion in all three of the courses for which you do not now have outlines. This has been the major factor in holding up the completion of those. Consider carefully how it fits best in each.

There was just a bit of whimsy in the experience of last evening… your reading the book while watching Moonraker… a story of something that cannot be, given the fact of entropy in the world… at least without great loss in other areas. Of course, the focus of the story was on an attempt to make the technological future possible through eliminating the rest of humankind. This would fit within the entropic principle, except that all necessary materials, minerals, and fuels are not arranged conveniently for use by any small group of people.

Still, the point of all this is that the spiritual is the realm in which entropy does not apply, so as there is a diminishing of physical energy there can be a compensating emergence of spiritual energy. In your culture Christianity has had to struggle against the power of the thought patterns of material progress and scientific, technological ascendency. In struggling and surviving it should have the capacity now to come forth with great strength as its competitors decline. The danger is that its ways of thinking (or, better, those of Western Christians) have been too conditioned by this secular phenomenon and it may be too afraid to speak from its true heritage.

The idea about converting your insurance policy to a farm improvement fund seems appropriate for this new rhythm of the future. Regular investment in that Farm will be one important insurance for the future. Investigate that whole picture, decide, and act. In relation to the Farm I shall repeat an earlier admonition: don’t just stand there and be critical of how it looks. Either love it the way it is… or do something to change it. Either prune and mulch the apple tree as you envision it, or just love it the way it is. This is My basic approach to the earth and its peoples. I love it and them as they are, My Creations, or else I affect some changes, either directly or through called servants, a type of which you are. I spend little “time” grieving and resolving. Love it or change it. An important guide.

JAN. 11, 1981, 6:07 AM

I shall accept this, o son, as the fulfillment of My request… this morning in place of yesterday. You could feel, in your soul, that this would be an appropriate substitution, while you felt real compulsion on the other days. My Spirit shall guide you in matters of this source. So relax and follow where and how I lead.

Several things juxtaposed yesterday, and from these must come some comments on the rhythm that shall be the future. Of most import was the rereading of Entropy, which you now see needs . . .

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