The Rhythm That Is The Self

JUNE 27, 1979, 6:04 AM

I want to describe the rhythm that is myself as accurately as I can this morning… particularly in relation to this task-opportunity. I am committed to doing the daily listening and writing; I haven’t yet really considered not spending the hour in this tithing way. Still I am finding it less rewarding in individual sessions, and the volume of the writings begins to worry me. Finally, I expected that this time of concentrated writing each day definitely would improve my own writing, both in content and in style, but the reports from S.F. indicate that I seem to be worse. I know this is part of my rhythm… the whole unfulfilled feeling… but it isn’t pleasant. Can I sustain it?

(This 1st paragraph was written by Bob Russell before the Spirit takes the pen)

O son, you have written what you feel, and I hear your cry. Recognizing the rhythm is vital, and, while recognition or awareness (a better word) is the essence of health, it does not abate (much) the pangs of pain that come with apparent lack of success. With the other… I can only tell you again that generally there must be volume, and you are to select what is of most import. Yet it is also a resource. There are portions of My Scriptures that you have not read yet. Should the Bible be reduced to that which has attracted you thus far? Is there nothing to be learned from Lamentations or a careful reading of Proverbs?

Truly, I hear the cry of your heart, and you project ahead to drawers full of Our writings… made useless by their very volume. I am aware of this, and I say thus: think not of lifetimes, but of the day at hand. You are committed only for this month. Complete that contract and then see if I still wish to continue this same relationship. One day at a time, boy!

Be faithful with the time. You are having second thoughts as to whether this hour is worth the cost, given the other pressures upon you. Feel this deeply. Go beyond awareness. Know how you feel. Be honest. But I say to you that you shall accomplish more with this time of direction than without it. Look ahead and make decisions about your time AND CARRY THEM OUT. Still… know the rhythm that is you. You shall not be a comfortable moderate, with a well-planned, reasonable schedule and a clean desk and a list reduced to crossouts. You can work at another rhythm or you can accept and appreciate the one you have. Or perhaps some of each.

You approach a time of being smothered. Lift up your head and hear My voice. It shall sustain you through crises and pressures. But it really shall not abate them. You must do that. Don’t blame Me for all that swirls around. No is a word I use. So can you. Some opportunities are best left unfulfilled. As I have told you, if it is something I truly want it shall come again, in some other form.

There must be time with Matthew. You must write some letters, and there must be quiet, reflective time. The balance… the rhythm… is yours to determine AND to recognize. That which you can change and that which you cannot also are part of the rhythm. Ponder it. Then act.

The day will not be sufficient for what must be done. Appreciate what you do accomplish rather than what you don’t. As I do.

Be of good cheer. And be faithful.

6:55 AM