The Road Now Traveled

TUES., MAR. 27, 1984, 6:04 AM

You are here, o son, on a bright, clear, Spring morning, knowing that listening to My observations on this road you are traveling is a priority. Being away from home, farm, and your teaching tasks imparts a different rhythm to your life, and you need to know what part in this I play. I shall assure you immediately that I am here, within and without, guiding and observing. You are certainly not some robot that I control for some perverse pleasure. I respect your apparent individuality (I must be honest and true), but I am still your oft-invited companion along this road now traveled.

Your experience in worship on Sunday was quite a magnificent one, with obvious contrast to that at Good Shepherd or that with the Saints. There was power and majesty and yet there was humble calling for My presence. I have told you that I enjoy a whole range of worship experiences, and I reiterate that truth… but it certainly is My pleasure to join in that one. You have some observations and ideas to share as you return. You’d better write that one up before its sharpness fades from your memory.

You already are doing a lot of sharing on this road, and you also are “being shared with”. One of life’s great spiritual opportunities is to share… in many ways. You have insights from these Teachings, and you should be every ready to share these, when such seems appropriate. Yesterday there were two opportunities for this, and one that seemed to say No. Never prejudge a situation, however. One that may not be promising on one occasion may be so on another.

Your mission is not a great nor a dramatic one. That description goes against your inherent desire to be outstanding, but also is a relief. You do not wish to be identified as a religious zealot, and I can tell you that, for now, you need not be, in the blatant sense. Still, our mission is in helping people, at many places on the religious panoramic continuum, to see and acknowledge a spiritual dimension to health. You didn’t do this with Tex, even though he gave you a small opening for such an offering. Do send him the Ruminations on the Unifying Dimension and let that “work its way.” No person is ever too old to entertain a new perspective, particularly as it relates to spirit… the essence of life… that which keeps one from “getting old”.

This road shall not be all joy and success. Seldom is a road as non-rhythmic as that. You shall have some disappointments. Don’t waste time in trying to blame someone, including yourself or Me. Feel a minimum of sadness, for in the midst of any disappointment is blessing or a lesson. This is what acknowledgement of the reality and power of spirit makes possible. Consider this: life is a series of roads, some traveled much, others seldom. And you can be traveling several simultaneously. The purpose: spiritual growth. How is this achieved? In more ways than you can imagine. Just don’t judge that any situation or circumstance is not such an opportunity. Numerous and wonderful are the ways of the Lord!

TUES., MAR. 27, 1984, 6:04 AM

You are here, o son, on a bright, clear, Spring morning, knowing that listening to My observations on this road you are traveling is a priority. Being away from home, farm, and your teaching tasks imparts a different rhythm to your life, and you need to know what part in this I play. I shall assure you immediately that I am here, within and without, guiding and observing. You are certainly not some robot that I control for some perverse pleasure. I respect your apparent individuality (I must . . .

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