The Scriptural Story…

SUN., SEPT. 20, 1992, 5:41 AM

This early morning I shall offer you an interpretation of the Scriptural story… a story of Me and My relationship with humans in the earth. As you know this actual story took place in the earth 2,000 to 4,000 years ago, as time is calculated. It was in a culture quite different from yours, involving a people of which you are not a part. Yet I tell you that the Truths and truths of this Scripture are as true today, in this culture, as they were when uttered or written, and they will be for the future, whatever it may be.

This is a fundamental interpretation that I share with all honest, sincere Christians. In quite a mystical way the basic truths for a good life in the earth come forth from this ancient collection of writings.

Having said this, now I, the Holy Spirit, was was active all through this story, offer you a truth that seems to counter the one above… or at least dilute it. It is that I am as active in this modern world as I was in Biblical times, and therefore I must offer new interpretations of truth to fit the times. I use clergy and their sermons extensively, and I have many other, diverse ways, including speaking to a few persons in ways like unto what I do with you, so that there is a new written record of My observations in this time. These shall never be official Holy Scripture, and you must never claim such for them. And yet you can call them holy, and you can call them scripture, for they do come from Me.

I’ll emphasize one of the Truths of the Scriptural Story… : I, as Almighty God, came into the earth as Jesus, fulfilling Scriptural promises, and I was rejected by those who knew the Scriptures best. For disciples I did not choose men who knew the Scriptures well. I did elect Paul, who was well versed, but I had to “do a miracle” with him to bring him to a new, proper interpretation. Paul’s writings thus became Holy Scripture, but are there necessary new interpretations for these times? Of course.

The safest position for the Pharisees was to reject Me, as Jesus, because I did not fit exactly the ancient prophesies. I did not take the government upon My shoulders. I was not considered to be the “wonderful counselor.” I did not appear to be “the everlasting Father,” and My dealings with them did not easily win Me the title “Prince of Peace.” “We must await the real Messiah” was their conclusion.

Modern day fundamentalists also “play it safe” in holding that every revelation of this time must fit their interpretation of ancient Scripture or it must be rejected. It is too difficult to discern new interpretations of truth. It is easier to fall back on Scriptural passages, most of whom were uttered or written by people not well accepted for their authority.

Here is a powerful example from My Teachings to you. In the mythical story of creation I, as Almighty God, said to two persons, “Be fruitful and multiply.” This was very appropriate, as a suggestion or a commandment, for My first pair of humans with immortal souls. That does not make it appropriate for a world with well over 5 billion people, so I tell you that the world population must diminish, so I am allowing, even sometimes causing, deaths and lack of conception that will bring about such a reduction.

SUN., SEPT. 20, 1992, 5:41 AM

This early morning I shall offer you an interpretation of the Scriptural story… a story of Me and My relationship with humans in the earth. As you know this actual story took place in the earth 2,000 to 4,000 years ago, as time is calculated. It was in a culture quite different from yours, involving a people of which you are not a part. Yet I tell you that the Truths and truths of this Scripture are as true today, in this culture, as they were when uttered or . . .

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