The Season For Giving

MON., DEC. 24, 1990, 7:19 AM

This is the eve of the day celebrated as the one of My birth as Jesus. Since Jesus was My gift to the earth, as Almighty God, through Me, the Holy Spirit, this becomes a season for giving. Part of the Biblical story is the visit of the three wise men from the East, who brought gifts to the Christ child. Fret not about time and place. Just accept that this was another reason for this being a season of giving.

The ground outside is snow-covered, and the morning sun plays upon the ice on your windows. Winter beauty is a gift, for in a season of dormancy there are gifts of true beauty, and I want you to appreciate these.

The focus in your culture is on giving tangible gifts, manufactured and commercially sold. Your economic system is such that the making and selling of almost any product is a means of income to some… and therefore a means for them to give gifts. Hence it is hard to be too critical of the commercialization, for it is both the source of gifts and the livelihood for many who want to give presents to those they love. No economic system is perfect. I do not recommend one over another. Each has values and detriments, and each can be both appreciated deprecated.

Since My gift, as Jesus, was the gift of Myself, this is an important kind of gift. You have given your parents the gift of a monthly letter, and this is, finally, a gift of yourself. Your gift to Matthew will be time to tell him of your life and time to listen as he tells you of his. This repetitive gift is a good type, for it symbolically extends the season throughout the year. It means, then, that you must be see the fulfillment of these gift pledges as gifts freely given, rather than onerous things you must grudgingly do.

You knew I would have some mention of your Ruminations, not yet started for this season. This is a gift to a number of people who do appreciate what you and I put together. Each is an encouragement to spiritual thought and growth. Do not look upon this as a duty, but as a gift to each. Continue to salute each reader personally, for it must retain what was its original nature – a gift. It is not a commercial venture or even a conventional newsletter. It is a gift, from your spirit and Mine, to a diverse group of spirits known to you. But it cannot be unless you get busy and accomplish the writing.

You noticed as you printed the title that “for giving” can also be “forgiving.” Yes, this is also a season of forgiving, which is the human reenactment of My gift of grace. Though gifts are given it also can be a season when gifts are not given, which prompt thoughts of being neglected, of being “left out.” Those who don’t give as you expect must be forgiven, and with forgiveness must come appreciation of them. It is important to realize this… and another aspect of it as well. When you give a gift that is not well accepted and appreciated you must forgive the one who has hurt you with this type of “reception.” Give with joy, and forgive those who do not receive in the same spirit.

Every season should be a season for giving. Yet this is the bellwether season. As Jesus I come yet again to offer a life of virtue, an example of love and dedication, and, finally, in the Easter season, a giving of Myself for the humanity I have created. This is the season of the initial gift, which shall stimulate giving in all other seasons. “Why can’t we have Christmas the whole year around?” The spirit of giving says, “Of course.”

MON., DEC. 24, 1990, 7:19 AM

This is the eve of the day celebrated as the one of My birth as Jesus. Since Jesus was My gift to the earth, as Almighty God, through Me, the Holy Spirit, this becomes a season for giving. Part of the Biblical story is the visit of the three wise men from the East, who brought gifts to the Christ child. Fret not about time and place. Just accept that this was another reason for this being a season of giving.

The ground outside is snow-covered, and the morning sun . . .

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