The Seminar… And Me

WED., AUG. 21, 1996, 8:43 AM

Recollections of the Sunday evening discussion intermingle with the stories of My actions with the disciples and other folk, before the Church actually took form. Early on, the Acts chronicle tells of My dramatic arrival, and henceforth I am active in the lives of those who will carry on the Jesus encounter. The Seminar is a unique example of this “carrying on,” with “scholars” comparing their judgments on how “real” I was, as Jesus. (Remember… the “I” [or the “Me”] who speaks to you in this unique way Am the Holy Spirit, but also Jesus the Christ, and God Almighty… Three and yet, still, One. I don’t have to have “permission” to say what I do.)

For you, let these stories in the Acts serve as a vivid example of what I can do, to this day. Actions such as these still are part of this earth scene, even as you aren’t aware, actually and through hearing or reading, of most of My “interventions”. I am more acknowledged in some of the more charismatic and pentecostal congregations, but I am worldwide and don’t always want or need publicity.

I still heal, and even bring people back from very near death, but mostly, now, I just help in the transition to spirit realms. It is sometimes fun to see a person spiritually awakened and eager to be of earthly service, but a bigger consideration now is the balance of life and the predominance of humans. I don’t want to “overdo” this, but I also don’t want you to forget it… as one of My special messages to you.

Your Sunday evening discussion group is an interesting addition to your spiritual life. (9:07 / 10:33) These are people you don’t normally relate to in a structured way, and yet you do come together as a spiritual, even a Christian “community” (except for the Rabbi). The focus is on this sometimes interesting and sometimes boring discourse among three theologians concerning the so-called Jesus Seminar, with the special sub-focus here on what I said. The debate seems to be about the importance of Me as the historical Jesus, as compared with the canonical or spiritual Jesus, as presented in the Gospels and in Paul’s letters.

You can probably assume that I, as Holy Spirit, am only mildly interested in historical scholarship of this sort… and you’re right. As Jesus I did come to earth and have life and an active, but short, ministry in a place and time. However, I see little importance in verifying, in some scholarly way, the exactness of what I said, and when, and where, and how. You have raised the question of how I could communicate the Sermon on the Mount (even more difficult on the Plain) to 5,000 people without any amplification. Did I really shout so even those in the far fringes could hear clearly. Were all of the words, as written by Matthew and Luke exactly as I said them? I don’t see any of such questions as being important.

I did guide the Gospel writers… and Paul also. If you accept this as truth (even Truth) then whatever is expressed in these Gospels is as it should be. I said it. Or I could have said it. As Holy Spirit I was the final “editor”. You don’t understand why certain utterances were made, but you accept your limitations.

For I say that even Scripture is not as vital as internalizing the spirit behind the words. I have indicated to you that if your spirit is more warmed and energized by The Living Bible then you should study it rather than one with a more accurate rendition of the “original text”. I have given you thousands (now) of pages of Teachings. The words and the ideas have importance (so protect them, as you can), but, more fundamentally, you are enmeshed in a mystical process that cannot be validated in any structured way.

WED., AUG. 21, 1996, 8:43 AM

Recollections of the Sunday evening discussion intermingle with the stories of My actions with the disciples and other folk, before the Church actually took form. Early on, the Acts chronicle tells of My dramatic arrival, and henceforth I am active in the lives of those who will carry on the Jesus encounter. The Seminar is a unique example of this “carrying on,” with “scholars” comparing their judgments on how “real” I was, as Jesus. (Remember… the “I” [or the “Me”] who speaks to you in this unique way Am the Holy . . .

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