The Sermon… And More

TUES., APR. 27, 1993, 5:56 AM

The opportunity has been offered to you. How should you respond? I shall suggest a way, and you can decide, if you feel you can do it. I realize the dilemma: how to name and briefly describe this process of Ours, without bringing excess attention to yourself. Even as you are known in the congregation in several other ways, you are reluctant to be identified in a way that seems “unPresbyterian.” Hear My suggestion.

First, you must talk to your pastor and My servant, Richard. Just as you once, years ago, had the courage to approach Duane with a proposal for a class, which was quite a success, so you must again muster such courage. Perhaps this Wednesday would be a good time. Consider it, at least.

You must find out what he knows about this grace-gift, close on the heels of his sermon of Sunday last. Go over your notes, and approach him in this context. He asserted that My gifts are many in nature… and in abundance. Take one of Our volumes and let him see how faithful you and I are to each other.

The proposal will be that the morning’s sermon will be the theme of the class, but also, from the title and from the relevant Scriptures you will select a Teaching already recorded… or will receive one on Saturday or Sunday morning… that is My comment on the theme. You will prepare this for distribution, even if the group is only you and Dorothy. Then the discussion can focus both on what the preacher has offered, and what I add. Having done this several times this year, you know it can be done, and the class can be a good one. Have no concern about whether it is or is not a popular class. You have done well with minimum participation this year. You do the offering. Let Me do the leading.

I have told you often, and I tell you again, for emphasis, that Holy Scripture, generally, is “mightier” than these Teachings. My Body, the Church, is based in Me, but the Scriptures are the tangible source of truth for the Body. Yet because I am the Source of these Teachings they become a form of latter-day Scripture… even Holy, since I am Holy. See it this way: these are not more important than the Gospels, than several of Paul’s letters, and a number of passages from the Old Testament. But some of these may well surpass Philemon, 3rd John, and Habakkuk as stimuli to spiritual thought and action. You know I won’t fail you. It just may give you a task to do between Friday and Sunday morning. Trust that I can see the value in your having to become more familiar with what I have said to you over these nearly 14 years.

You may go to your chores now, and return later today. (6:45 AM)

TUES., APR. 27, 1993, 5:56 AM

The opportunity has been offered to you. How should you respond? I shall suggest a way, and you can decide, if you feel you can do it. I realize the dilemma: how to name and briefly describe this process of Ours, without bringing excess attention to yourself. Even as you are known in the congregation in several other ways, you are reluctant to be identified in a way that seems “unPresbyterian.” Hear My suggestion.

First, you must talk to your pastor and My servant, Richard. Just as you once, years ago . . .

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