The Simplicity Of Life

SUN., NOV. 27, 1983, 5:50 AM

“Life is complex, complicated, many-faceted…” You and many other observers and analysts of life in the earth have said and written these words (or synonyms for the idea). In almost every sense save the true spiritual it is true, even observable. But this morning, as the rain falls and the kettle steams, I shall tell you that, finally, life is quite simple.

Remember that this does not mean that life is not complex… but merely that it is ALSO simple. Both/and is the important perspective. One truth need not negate its apparent opposite.

Life is simple in that there is only one real purpose, which is growth and development of spirit. Spirit can be developed when physical health is buoyant or when it is precarious, even unto death. Spirit can grow when one is well educated and intelligent… and also when opportunities or capacities are slight. Spirit can increase when one has supportive and interesting social and religious groups… and also when one is alone and unsupported. There simply is no conceivable situation in life in which spirit cannot increase. That’s basic simplicity, wouldn’t you say?

You have lived your life in a school or university atmosphere in middle class U.S.A. (and probably will do so for the span of this earth time). Some would say that this is an ideal environment in which to grow in spirit; others would judge differently, including some who would say that this is an atmosphere which encourages doubt and does not give much credence to My will and way. You happen to be using your circumstances rather well… even incorporating some of your spiritual growth material into your professional work and life. This is easier for you than it would be for a mathematician or engineer, but rather few of your health colleagues do it.

So… the circumstances of life are not important for life’s major purpose. Doesn’t that make it simple?

Length of life is not important either. The quality of growth is what is important, and marvelous growth can take place even in a short life. In contrast, some people live long (sometimes too long) lives and make no appreciable spiritual progress. A life’s quality is assessed by its growth events, not by this “manufactured” reality of earth time.

This will be surprising to some (even heretical… and it is interesting when some would consider the ideas expressed by the Holy Spirit as heretical), but it is of no real consequence whether one is part of an actual church body or what this body is. I will admit that being an active part of a church can be helpful to the growth of spirit, but it also can retard growth… even prevent it. One purpose of this sabbatical for you and Lenore is to have you experience other ways to worship, study, and fellowship… and then to see that no form guarantees growth. Even in the midst of the most spirit-filled congregation there can be prejudice and lack of love. Remember always that the Pharisees, those good people who knew the Scriptures best, rejected Me as the Christ and the Messiah.

SUN., NOV. 27, 1983, 5:50 AM

“Life is complex, complicated, many-faceted…” You and many other observers and analysts of life in the earth have said and written these words (or synonyms for the idea). In almost every sense save the true spiritual it is true, even observable. But this morning, as the rain falls and the kettle steams, I shall tell you that, finally, life is quite simple.

Remember that this does not mean that life is not complex… but merely that it is ALSO simple. Both/and is the important perspective. One truth . . .

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