The Spirit and ‘Spirits’

JUNE 6, 1980, 5:59 AM

You rightly look ahead, o son, to the next presentation… as you are ready for the last lap home. You are developing some enhanced perspectives on this that We do in song and story. Keep on with this. Yet also know that it shall not be completely new, for what you have done previously has been quite worthwhile. Hear some further words of help.

It is still proper to start with the Genesis “story”… but be certain you are accurate. The point of emphasis should be that alcohol is a natural part of the world I created, and, with reference to the 3rd chapter, it was not a forbidden substance.

As portrayed in Stay Awhile, it brings people together, and good, developed spirits think of others… and there is comraderie beyond even those drinking. The expression of positive, loving spirits is a joy to Me, and it bothers Me not whether this is done in church in worship, around a meal table, or around a drinking situation. In Blue Ribbon Beer emphasize not that this divides people, group from group, but that it enhances even further a positive, even a spiritual, interaction among those who drink together.

The story of Noah is appropriate, but, again, review it carefully and tell it well. Emphasize that there was an expression of angry spirit and someone, apparently innocent, was hurt… he and his descendants. Also note that there was an attempt to help the drunken one. Help from loving family is as old as trouble with the “spirits”.

The Pig in the Gutter is a nice part of the rhythm. It is a funny-sad rendition of the degradation of body and the interaction of spirits. It illuminates the tendency to judge… and to see the drunk as the lowest. The story of the pig and the duck can balance this nicely, but adapt it carefully. This could be bungled. Then just a touch of Alfie Doolittle can make the point that “spirits” became the symbol of sin and were to be avoided as a spiritual test. This, of course, is not without merit, even today.

In Bottle of Wine emphasize the degradation of total personality, with spirit obviously fettered and crying for release. The question, of course, is whether not drinking can accomplish an effective “starting over”. The real exercise of spirit is the vital ingredient, and this is portrayed in Tiny Bubbles – the expression of feelings of happiness, “fineness”, warmness, and love. It is a relationship between just two people, but this is a fundamental unit for expression of the spirit.

Your plan for evoking discussion and analysis of Jugtown is commendable. His is a troubled, hampered spirit (he who goes for the jug), but he still has stimulated love in a son… and this is an important expression of spirit. He is not what he wants to be, but the spirit can still be freed to value self and others. The son reports but does not judge harshly. He thanks Me for this “place” in which his Daddy’s spirit can be alive and expressed. And, yes, what shall he then become… another fettered spirit or one freed by this expression of love?

Lucille is a good example of the “spirits” liberating a sense of identification, even respect, for the other man, strong enough to overcome the lust for the woman.

Some will still, with reason, have faith that the spirit of the carouser is still strong and functioning. And, when abetted by the love and physical expression of same by others, particularly family, will prevail.

Yet some do need help, to restore the color of the sky, the loving in the soul, the music in the heart, and the acceptance of self as worthwhile. There must be love and caring, and there must be education… teaching one to another. There must be trust and a giving of self… some real equivalent of the Twelfth Step… in both those who help and those who are in need.

“Spirits” remain both destructive and upbuilding. It has ever been so and shall ever be. To avoid the harm we would have to lose the enhancement. There must be both joy and sorrow… sunshine and shade. Faith, strength, love, wisdom… emphasize these… and the greatest of these is love. Do this with love from your spirit, and I shall be pleased.

6:55 AM