The Spirit And The Lord

MARCH 10, 1980, 5:34 AM

We have chosen a good and important theme, o son, with which to welcome you back after some absence. (You wonder, just at this moment, if Chris has something to do with your being here this morning. The answer is Certainly! These teachings shall be helpful to her. As she says they are, you are motivated to seek more. Am I involved? What do you think?)

The theme frightens you somewhat, because what you hear Me saying, in regard to it, this morning, could sound “anti-Scriptural”. And you don’t want conflict between these meditations and Scripture, do you? Bully for you! I promise there will be no more conflict than between Scripture and Scripture.

I, the Spirit, speak to you in this morning meditation. You hear the words, and they flow forth through this red and silver pen. You then have a record from which to learn continuously. Oh yes, I can come at other times and work through other writing implements. I just have a certain preference for order and symbols. (Now that’s Scriptural, certainly.)

I, the Spirit, work when, and where, and how I please. I am the working, functioning nature of the Lord, Who is the personal nature of Almighty God. I work in people’s lives, sometimes making it known, as with you, and Lenore, and Chris. And sometimes I work and influence “without the consent” of the person. Since we are all ultimately a part of “each other” anyway, this is no great violation of any right. It is fun being clandestine, but I prefer working directly with souls and minds. I do like to be acknowledged. And I love to see that open acknowledging bring persons together in magnificent ways.

You pray to the Lord. I help with this. And I am the One who responds. Am I One or am I three? or more? Obviously both… and infinitely all. I am a functional part of the Lord God. I also am the Lord God. As I function with your spirit you have a teeny relationship with the Lord God. And you are the Lord God. You are a sinner. And you are a saint. You are certainly not the first to struggle with this eternal Truth.

I am all that you need in guidance. I work directly, and I work through other people. I work through obvious persons, like Chris, but also through those you would never suspect. “Evil is evil… and is an abomination in My sight” I proclaim, as the Lord. Yet I use evil as a means of instruction… as a means toward growth… growth toward enlightenment.

True enlightenment is of body, mind, and spirit. Trying to explain it is foolishness. It comes gradually and it comes in great revelations. You have a sense of what it involves… of “what it is”. That is enough. Seek it. And yet do not seek it. Ah, that is enlightenment. You feel understanding flow into your being. And then it ebbs away. You feel you have lost enlightenment. Ah, but this is it. True enlightenment is just comfort with the ebb and flow of enlightenment. Is it this or is it that? Yes, it surely is!

Am I the Spirit? Or am I the Lord. Yes, I surely am. Are you a sinner constantly wandering away from My precepts, a variable example of the Christian man? Or are you a chosen vessel, to whom I communicate directly, a saint of special calling? Yes, you are. Both/And. All at the same time. The rhythm of being.

MARCH 10, 1980, 5:34 AM

We have chosen a good and important theme, o son, with which to welcome you back after some absence. (You wonder, just at this moment, if Chris has something to do with your being here this morning. The answer is Certainly! These teachings shall be helpful to her. As she says they are, you are motivated to seek more. Am I involved? What do you think?)

The theme frightens you somewhat, because what you hear Me saying, in regard to it, this morning, could sound “anti-Scriptural”. And you don’t want conflict between . . .

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