The Spirit At Work

JUNE 12, 1980, 10:27 AM

So, here you are, o son, off on the run again. You have completed your commitment, yet you knew you would seek another meditative teaching today… the same as during the last month. Consider the conditions when you first began this, over thirteen months ago. You were busy beyond imagination. The call to devote an hour of waking time each day to this meditative practice seemed impossible. The commitment was made, but with some reluctance. Despite My obvious presence you did stop when your vowed time was over. Now you, with eagerness, still seek My insights. Good for you!

You are jittery and on edge today, which should indicate a weakness in the realm of spirit. Yet you seek My teaching, and you are determined to devote this day to Me and to your presentation. Yes, you should have done the tape, but yes, you are forgiven. What you did was worthwhile… and your intent was positive and pleasing. Your spirit was at work yesterday and it continues surging today. I blessed your trip up, and I blessed the boys’ trip back. Put your hand in Mine all day, keep studying and practicing, but then dedicate the presentation to Me and do it as you feel it… without concern for success or failure. The rhythm shall be with you, and yet you shall need more study and reflection and practice before the Sunday evening offering. These are offerings, truly, and they are symbolic of Our interrelationship. You offer them… in love and with joy in what you can do as an offering… and you get paid as well. Give to Me, and I shall arrange for your means to be enhanced. You shall never be well-off or secure, for it is not your karmic lot to be so, but you shall be given the opportunities to continue to live comfortably.

You read this morning of “gloomy” predictions concerning the near future. Yet you know these are truly not “gloomy”, but just news of the times ahead when there shall be another rhythm. Consider that nothing read said anything about the spirit… of individuals, of communities, and of nations and world. A time of depression is, importantly, a time for the spirit to be at work. “All things come of Thee, o Lord” is true, and so is “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away”. My greatest pleasure is in seeing spirits at work, developing in relation to other spirits and, particularly, in concert with Me. And part of the rhythm is that this be done, at some times, in situations of loss.

JUNE 12, 1980, 10:27 AM

So, here you are, o son, off on the run again. You have completed your commitment, yet you knew you would seek another meditative teaching today… the same as during the last month. Consider the conditions when you first began this, over thirteen months ago. You were busy beyond imagination. The call to devote an hour of waking time each day to this meditative practice seemed impossible. The commitment was made, but with some reluctance. Despite My obvious presence you did stop when your vowed time was over. Now you, with . . .

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