The Spirit Is Active

MON., DEC. 18, 1989, 7:08 AM

I, the Holy Spirit am active in the earth. That is TRUTH. Most Christians give this truth lip service, but few have expectations of My activity. You do, but even you don’t know how or how often I intervene in your behalf. Did I have any preventive role in maintaining your home yesterday? You assume I did, but such prevention cannot be proved, as you know. And I continue to advise you to assume that I can wield both preventive and curative powers, even as I don’t often do this.

Your suspicions about your class yesterday, however, were true, and I verify My action to illustrate My title for the day. Your class will not be overcrowded, but whatever its size it has a purpose. I did nudge you to select those two Teachings for yesterday, and I did nudge Marit and Jotoma to attend. Thus, they had the experience of reacting to two of My Teachings to you, relating to Christmas… and you had the benefit of hearing about the celebration of Christmas on a small South Pacific island, where My influence is strong. I like to arrange such mutually beneficial happenings.

On a longer range basis you can see how I work through your Death Education class. This final question that I have encouraged you to develop is an opportunity for Christian testimonies that seldom are given in university classes. It is an opportunity for you to read the commitments of some whom you would not normally identify as Christians. It also is an opportunity for these young people to examine their values and tell you where they are in life at this time.

Despite what is said about university students (and the harsh words are true, for a few) you have this evidence of commitment to Me, freely expressed. This is another example of My being active in the world. I work in people’s lives constantly, and much of what I do goes unnoticed in your culture because of this irrational fear that some religious group, even Christians, shall take over the government and persecute in My Name. The unfortunate result is this “secrecy” in expressing relationship with Me. So I have to “work around this.”

An an interesting illustration of this, one of the oft-repeated Scriptures of this Christmas season is that from Isaiah, “… and the government shall be upon His shoulder… and of His government there shall be no end.” Christians listen to this without protest, but it is an affirmation of danger to the separation of church and state. As Jesus I refused to seek political power, and as the Spirit I do not work for this country to become an officially Christian nation. But I do influence those in politics, so that some of what government does is because of My influence… or, for that matter, what it, government, doesn’t do. Yet it would be quite difficult to accurately identify all of what I, in effect, cause to happen in government. The government is not truly upon My shoulders, but I affirm that I am an active force in what government does and does not do.

In this context, My activity in the earth, I tell you again that scientific studies and analyses of human and social behavior are not accurate when My active role is not considered. And, as you understand, My activity is not subject to scientific study, for it is not regular not predictable. Rather, it is when, and where, and how, and with whom I choose. Prayers help, and I do love sincere prayers. But My response may not be what the one praying desires or expects. Sometimes the opposite will happen, purposely for the encouragement of spiritual growth. In other instances I take no action, for the prayed-for result would cause more harm than it would do good.

MON., DEC. 18, 1989, 7:08 AM

I, the Holy Spirit am active in the earth. That is TRUTH. Most Christians give this truth lip service, but few have expectations of My activity. You do, but even you don’t know how or how often I intervene in your behalf. Did I have any preventive role in maintaining your home yesterday? You assume I did, but such prevention cannot be proved, as you know. And I continue to advise you to assume that I can wield both preventive and curative powers, even as I don’t often do . . .

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