The Spirit Is Here

WED., MAY 20, 1987, 6:32 AM

Yes, o son, the Holy Spirit… I who have enlivened your pen for these eight years am here, reaffirming the “pact” that We have. The world does not wait expectantly for these words, but you shall have them to offer. Some shall find them worthwhile, and I am perfectly willing to influence a few at a time. I tell you again, to ease any apprehension, that this is no new “movement” I am starting through you. You are an evangel, of sorts, but you are not to take any leadership role… other than ones I call for, specifically.

I, the Holy Spirit, am just very active here in the earth. Oh, I tell you again that I very seldom perform miracles or change circumstances because of a prayer or prayers. Occasionally I do because of some special circumstance, such as a particularly provocative prayer, because I do have such power. My favored way, however, is just quietly influencing in many ways in a situation. Thus, what then appears to be a miraculous answer to prayer is just My influencing of people to do their best and of natural forces to work in more harmonious ways.

Remember, though, that the earth is not to be a perfect, heavenly realm. It is to be a realm of hardship and challenge for some… to some extent for all. Even in many forms My presence and influence are not acknowledged by all. Your country has great power in the earth, but, as a culture, you give Me only lip service, and many of your ways are selfish and self-serving. Yet these very imperfections impel some who do acknowledge Me to become active in “setting things right.” I like this kind of service, even as I know it shall never produce what it intends.

I am much more interested in your intentions and your motives than in actual accomplishments. I am more pleased by faithful service than by flashy deeds (although I do like a few flashy acts dedicated to Me!) You see, whatever happens, I am present and involved. In tragedy or triumph My presence can be appreciated. Each day some are born, and some die. Births are now greater than deaths. This is a temporary blessing. One of the great challenges of earth life is to acknowledge Me in the midst of death, suffering, and other tragedy. When you have a chance to look back at your life and the times in which you have lived you shall see the opportunities that you took and that you missed, and the actual circumstances shall seem unimportant.

Thus I affirm that spirit is part of everything you do, whether you acknowledge this or not. I realize that it is hard for you to function “normally” in your job and in much of the rest of your life if and when you consciously accept this truth. You still must make judgments and try to improve situations that call for change. You would rather be seen as successful than as one without accomplishments. So when I say that your failure to “make” the writing team to which you aspired and your failure to be recognized as you would like in your professional life are as important in your spiritual growth as the accolades and triumphs, my message is not popular. You know that it is true, but you are not comfortable with this as truth.

WED., MAY 20, 1987, 6:32 AM

Yes, o son, the Holy Spirit… I who have enlivened your pen for these eight years am here, reaffirming the “pact” that We have. The world does not wait expectantly for these words, but you shall have them to offer. Some shall find them worthwhile, and I am perfectly willing to influence a few at a time. I tell you again, to ease any apprehension, that this is no new “movement” I am starting through you. You are an evangel, of sorts, but you are not to take any leadership role . . .

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