The Spirit Knows

SEPT. 25, 1980, 5:46 AM

Yes, o son, the Spirit knows. The Spirit knows all about your life and your lives, about what you want and what you need, about what you think and how you feel, about your successes and failures, about your willingness and unwillingness to try. All that you are, think, feel, and express are open to Me. Now, isn’t that comforting? Of course some people would see this as an invasion of privacy… and it surely is. There is no way you can have privacy that excludes My knowing.

You needn’t try to think of how this can be done with all the souls in the earth simultaneously. Given your understanding of time, space, and focused attention by an individual (you can’t truly give attention to even two things at once) what I attest that I do is blatantly impossible. Yet I still affirm it. I, the Spirit, know you completely.

Some of what I know I anticipate… call if foreknowledge. I know some of the thing you will do and will think and say, ere they happen. There is a certain “given” quality to your life. Still the world is not a mechanistic, but a dynamic, scene. There is not a clear script that each one follows, slavishly. But neither is life and its interactions free and spontaneous. The closest analogy you would understand is role-playing. When done well each character will act and interact in certain predictable ways, but must do so in dynamic interaction with others, which makes all life situations dynamic and “new”.

Still, I can tell you that you have a certain “destiny”… certain tasks to accomplish in this life… and I know that this shall be. There are several ways this destiny can be worked out, and, most of the time, I am not concerned with details. I guide and I direct, and then I let you “do it” as you would. Then I come back and direct you from wherever you are. If I want you to accomplish something within a certain time, I obviously have to protect you from harm and disability of all kinds. Still, there can be accidents… or situations into which you put yourself… from which harm, even to death, is inevitable. I then just work with you in whatever state you’re in. The basic principle is that the major purpose of your individual life as Bob Russell is to grow in spirit toward union with My Spirit and to serve Me here in the earth.

It should be obvious that these are interrelated. As you grow in spirit you grow in both your capacity and your willingness and desire to serve Me. As you serve Me, the major result is growth in the spirit. Do you see that this could take place, no matter what the circumstances. You can grow in spirit as you serve as a parent to a healthy, functioning Matthew. If he had been seriously and permanently injured yesterday on the motorcycle, as you considered, your opportunity for growth would now be different, but still present. If he would have been killed this also would have been a time of growth, as it was with Peter’s death. You have remembered the prayer of Habakkuk since 1944, when you first heard it read and preached. I affirm that that represents precious truth.

SEPT. 25, 1980, 5:46 AM

Yes, o son, the Spirit knows. The Spirit knows all about your life and your lives, about what you want and what you need, about what you think and how you feel, about your successes and failures, about your willingness and unwillingness to try. All that you are, think, feel, and express are open to Me. Now, isn’t that comforting? Of course some people would see this as an invasion of privacy… and it surely is. There is no way you can have privacy that excludes My knowing.

You needn . . .

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