The Spirit Knows

FRI., MAY 1, 1987, 5:52 AM

A more fundamental statement could not be made, either about Me, the Holy Spirit or about knowledge. Many philosophical treatises have been written about knowledge, and in your practical field there is some concern about knowledge… about references and background literature for studies being done. But I tell you again, that which is clear to you from these years of morning meditations – the Spirit is the source of all important knowledge.

All fundamental knowledge exists, but cannot be known by any one person. Even the most capable human mind is not able to learn and retain anything close to all knowledge. And, interestingly, some knowledge contradicts other knowledge, so that knowing in some area almost prevents you from seeking knowledge in another. I tell you that you are engaged in the most productive venture possible when you come and hear Me, and accept My invitation to write what you hear. Already you have, in your present volumes, more than you can digest and retain, and yet I offer you more. Be less and less concerned with reading and seeking knowledge in other sources. If you only knew well these Teachings of Mine you would have the knowledge you need, with minimal effort.

I say this, and I mean it, but then I shall contradict Myself by saying that some important knowledge can come from other sources, the Holy Scriptures being the main one. Beyond this Compendium I make no recommendation, but just know that I can also use a wide variety of sources to help you continue to learn. Whatever you learn from another source can be interpreted and explained by Me. So, to you I say that these pages are your best single source of knowledge. They can be helpful to others, but will never be as relevant as to you.

One fundamental bit of knowledge is that each of you is on a spiritual path. No two persons are on exactly the same path at the same place. And only the Spirit knows where each one of you is. One of the Truly marvelous events in your life is when your path crosses that of another, and for some time you are spiritually like one with each other. Then you each move on, sometimes on diverging paths, sometimes rather parallel. Or, in a few instances, you may be on the same path, but one moves along faster than the other.

One of the joys of My all-knowingness is when I see that two or more people on spiritual paths will converge and when I can make each of you aware of this “meeting.” Even if it is for only a short time in earth terms it can be a significant spiritual event in the lives of any of you. You still are not as aware as you could be of these “crossings.” I urge you to pay more attention to this aspect of life.

You know that I do not call you to be one with much factual knowledge. You needn’t feel uncomfortable about having few numbers at your command or in not remembering certain scientific terms. The knowledge you are to seek and to display is the deeper knowledge of spirit. Knowing what to do or to say in some situation is more important, for you, than facility with facts. Stories are a way to encapsulate knowledge, and I continue to commend your use of stories.

FRI., MAY 1, 1987, 5:52 AM

A more fundamental statement could not be made, either about Me, the Holy Spirit or about knowledge. Many philosophical treatises have been written about knowledge, and in your practical field there is some concern about knowledge… about references and background literature for studies being done. But I tell you again, that which is clear to you from these years of morning meditations – the Spirit is the source of all important knowledge.

All fundamental knowledge exists, but cannot be known by any one person. Even the most capable human mind is not . . .

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