The Spirit Leads

SUN., SEPT. 23, 1990, 5:55 AM

Many Christians are comfortable with the admission or even the assertion that the Holy Spirit does lead them in life. Yet they have no tangible evidence of this leading… just a feeling of being led. For some this is genuine… as true as what you can affirm. For others it is a sham, from gentle and naïve to real misrepresentation. You have the privilege and the burden of having My leadership evidenced in handwritten form… right down here in black and pale green.

As I have told you many times you are not “deserving” of this attention from Me. In the total earth scene, and even among English-speaking Christians, you are no one special, in any objective sense. I lead you in rather unorthodox ways and still tell you should remain Presbyterian Christian. I tell you that you are not to be famous, not to be a guru, not to be responsible for some new movement. I call you to hear Me regularly and to be faithful in the tasks I give you. I call you not because you are worthy but because I want to do this. And thus you do become “special.”

You are here on a cool morning with no great need for counsel from Me. You have much to do this week, and objectively, you could be using this time better, as long as you are up. By why are you up in this pre-dawn time? Because you are faithful to this relationship… and because I called you. The alarm got your attention, and yet there was no evidence that it was sounding. Weird… right?! I call you to be faithful, and you shall be. Could you be truly unfaithful? I doubt it.

Your mind runs over the tasks and responsibilities that this week offers, and you envision “too much.” Let your spirit, led by Mine, decide. Faithfulness to the tasks I have given you must be your priority. Therefore the Ruminations, the proposals for the Spiritual Conference, in which I do want you to participate, and the newsletter must command your attention. The letter about the Journal is also important. Synod School class proposals also come from Me, but these can wait a week. So, yes, divest yourself of your Saturday responsibilities for these next weeks… and then apply yourself to these tasks that are from My leading.

In times of decision increasingly look to your spirit as a better decision-maker than your mind. Your priorities must be those most related to spirit. That’s why these and other decisions are difficult. Both of these Saturday opportunities have the potential for touching spirits, as you can do. Yet they are not as crucial as the ones I recommend. This shall be a difficult week, so you’d best be as close to Me as you can be. (See, you are thinking of even more that you must do.)

I do lead you in some rather hectic ways, but I always remind you that this earth life is to be used for My purposes. Earth life is a very short experience in all of eternity, so it should be invested well. Preparing well for classes is a good investment. You will be recognized as the Outstanding Teacher of this year, this week, so let this remind you not to shirk in the preparations for classes. This is, literally, a spiritual duty for one with this designated honor.

Yet I still lead you through a life that must be characterized by balance. You are to cut your grass and attend to your flowers and your animals. You are to appreciate the change in beauty as Fall commences. You are to tend to your woodpile and to other firewood sources for the winter ahead. You are to take time for Lenore, your special life partner. All that I lead you to is possible, even as it may be difficult.

SUN., SEPT. 23, 1990, 5:55 AM

Many Christians are comfortable with the admission or even the assertion that the Holy Spirit does lead them in life. Yet they have no tangible evidence of this leading… just a feeling of being led. For some this is genuine… as true as what you can affirm. For others it is a sham, from gentle and naïve to real misrepresentation. You have the privilege and the burden of having My leadership evidenced in handwritten form… right down here in black and pale green.

As I have told you many times . . .

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