The Spirit Of A Place

FRI., SEPT. 9, 1988, 10:38 AM

Here you are in a now familiar place, and yet you still are a visitor. Not a tourist are you, for there is much here that you know and recognize. It is a place with spirit, for much of importance in your life is linked to this island. It is good to return and feel that spirit.

If you were returning here to live it would be rather easy for you to develop a lifestyle with much spirit, keyed to this place. This could happen, but such is unlikely. As you visit, however, be sure and include activities that bring forth the spirit of this place. You are developing such a style; just keep it up.

I have told you a number of times that I like special places, even as there is no place (absolutely) where I am not. This is not an inconsistency, but just an example of the mystery of both/and. I ordain certain places as holy, and I accept the offering of a holy place when those who offer are sincere in their development of such a place. On the other hand, all places designated as holy are not so (meaning not any more than any other place), particularly when the motivations are profit and the spirit is one of self-proclaimed superiority (even which this is based in Scripture).

I like churches, but I also like beaches, groves of trees, city parks, school playgrounds, and hilltops… (meaning that this is only a sample).

Actually, though I exude spirit into some places, which can be discerned by those spiritually mature, I prefer to multiply the spirits of dedicated people, gathered in a place. I would much rather work from the energy offered by servants of Mine rather than do the initial energizing by Myself. I just prefer to interact with spirits reaching for development… and yet My influence is not limited in any way by such a preference.

As you are here seek an artful mix of places and people. I realize that you are sometimes slow in seizing the opportunities with people (as you just were), but I urge you continuously to be aware and be as active as you can be. You needn’t feel guilty. Simply let any missed opportunity be a spur to more involvement in the next. Remember that in relation to spiritual development any situation is almost as good as any other. It is your awareness and appreciation that is critical and not specifically what is happening.

Walking around a park block with your father, even when nothing is being said, can be a spiritual experience. Then when he finally passes on over you can walk that block again and renew that human experience in that place. So, yes, wander the Punahou campus today and feel the spirit in that place, even as it has changes so radically since your association here 40 years ago.

Seasons are not well differentiated here, but in your home place the seasons give differing feelings for some places. When your garden is well trimmed and weeded and producing there is more feeling of spirit than when it is bare and dead-appearing. Sitting in front of your fireplace when it is cold and dreary outside can be an experience of spirit… but not so in the midst of summer heat. Walking to the far corner of the pasture and taking in the sweep of your land is spirit-filled in any season, but is heightened by a bright full moon or a clear, star-bright sky. The experience in your meditation garden has more spirit when the fireflies are dancing in the summer evening warmth.

Be conscious of the places here that have spiritual significance for you. Making a list may be helpful, since your time is limited. Waste as little time as possible, and make your visit here as fulfilling as it can be.

FRI., SEPT. 9, 1988, 10:38 AM

Here you are in a now familiar place, and yet you still are a visitor. Not a tourist are you, for there is much here that you know and recognize. It is a place with spirit, for much of importance in your life is linked to this island. It is good to return and feel that spirit.

If you were returning here to live it would be rather easy for you to develop a lifestyle with much spirit, keyed to this place. This could happen, but such is unlikely . . .

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