The Spirit Of Fun

SAT., MAR. 1, 1986, 7:12 AM

The theme for this retreat is humor and health, but I should like to remind you, on this slightly hungover morning, that the spirit of fun is that which encourages and responds to attempts at humor. This spirit of fun is, naturally, part of the spirit of each person and, therefore, part of that which stems from Me and is abetted by Me. It is part of that eternal soul which is manifested in various ways, including, sometimes, incarnation in the earth.

Basically, this aspect of a person’s spirit is continually reminding that total person that life is FUN. Life is also serious. Life has its bitter pills. Life brings the experience of tragedy. Yet all of the other observations are for naught if they are not balanced by the perception of the truth that life is fun.

The body is constructed so that it can dance. Dancing comes in many forms, and there is a great variety in the music that stimulates this activity, but it should be, finally, an expression of fun. Dancing should bring forth smiles, and the exhilaration that comes in really exercising the body, languidly to vigorously, should be felt and appreciated as fun. When a person is overly concerned about performance, as you have been sometimes in the past, the dance becomes too serious and demanding an activity. Last night you were not concerned about performance. You just had fun.

Alcohol was a help in that regard, and this is one of the prime reasons for its creations. (Know that alcohol shouldn’t be necessary, and I would rather that good activities happen without its use. But it still is helpful, and I know this, too.) Alcohol diminishes certain aspects of caution and self-control / self criticism. These are the developed aspects of the mind that warn you, “Be careful. Don’t do something you don’t do well. Don’t do something that might make you look foolish. Don’t do something for which you might be criticized.” As these are diminished in their sharpness (for it would be dangerous if they were blotted out completely) the spirit of fun is more free to show itself. You did not dance early and initially, and you were rather cautious in your playing and singing. Later you danced and sang with much more vigor and enthusiasm. You would have been involved without the alcohol, but it helped allow your spirit of fun to prevail.

Some who abstain from all alcohol may limit their description of any situation or behavior to that of “drunken.” It therefore becomes a negative evaluation, and the fact that some were having fun is not noticed or admitted. Some thus deprive themselves of having or of appreciating fun. This is an unfortunate misuse of responsibility.

You do not feel as perfect this morning as you might if you had drunk less and slept more. Sometimes fun has a cost. But many worthwhile activities have a cost. Do not be unwilling to incur cost for the experience of fun. Evaluate. Do not always go for caution. Have fun, even if you pay for it later. So say I.

SAT., MAR. 1, 1986, 7:12 AM

The theme for this retreat is humor and health, but I should like to remind you, on this slightly hungover morning, that the spirit of fun is that which encourages and responds to attempts at humor. This spirit of fun is, naturally, part of the spirit of each person and, therefore, part of that which stems from Me and is abetted by Me. It is part of that eternal soul which is manifested in various ways, including, sometimes, incarnation in the earth.

Basically, this aspect of a person’s spirit . . .

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