The Spirit Says…

SAT., MAY 18, 1985, 6:21 AM

The Spirit says… well done. You offered the presentation yesterday to Me, and you were then free to do it comfortably and in a spirit-filled way. Most of the people there responded as they were able, and you were able to feel good about the day. The combination of these two wellsprings was a worthy one, and one with promise for your regular workshop and beyond. I give you continuing responsibility for work with both of these.

The Spirit says… do not fret about this week ahead of you. Offer it to Me, as you did this one just past, and it shall sail along with a comparable spirit. Don’t be overconcerned with the content portion. Your major task, in anything you do in the rest of your career, is to encourage the development of human/spiritual interaction. When content and factual material can help be skillful and conscientious in providing it, but not “for its own sake.” The charge is Mine to you. Honor this and be faithful to it. The fact that it is enjoyable to you is just one of My bonuses.

The Spirit says… continue with your songs and stories. You are right in feeling that this is a small talent… and that shall continue to be occasionally embarrassing… but I tell you again that this is a “price worth paying” for the value that comes from this offering of yourself. I always encourage your learning new songs (even rewriting those two that await), but only those that you feel in your spirit. You have used this as a criterion, and I say, “Continue in this way.” Songs have an added dash of spirit, one that cannot be introduced in any other way.

The Spirit says… continue to be cautious in sharing the fact of these Teachings and the Teachings themselves, for I do want you to continue to be known in your field as a legitimate senior professor and professional. Then I also say… continue to be aware of opportunities to share this relationship that We have with others who are likely to appreciate it and/or who are “sent” to you by Me. This is an important balance, but one I reemphasize to you.

The Spirit says… you are still to be a Presbyterian Christian, and you are to be open to those opportunities I offer you to serve and to learn in this way. If something that you want does not work out, just assume that what you have or have not is My perfect will, and continue to do what you have opportunities to do. I shall let you know what teaching I would have you do in the church next year, but it is all right for you to let people know what you would be willing to do. Trust and know that I shall make the final selection.

SAT., MAY 18, 1985, 6:21 AM

The Spirit says… well done. You offered the presentation yesterday to Me, and you were then free to do it comfortably and in a spirit-filled way. Most of the people there responded as they were able, and you were able to feel good about the day. The combination of these two wellsprings was a worthy one, and one with promise for your regular workshop and beyond. I give you continuing responsibility for work with both of these.

The Spirit says… do not fret about this week ahead of you . . .

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