The Spirit Shows

OCT. 16, 1980, 12:16 PM

The spirit is not a hidden quality, o son. True, it is not perceived quite as blatantly as a flashing smile, red hair, or extreme size, but it will be discerned, particularly by people with comparable spiritual development and expression. It is still important, however, not to become overly conscious of this in self. As you begin to “try” to exhibit spirit you shall succeed less well. And the harder you try, the less you will achieve. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.

So, I have told you before, and shall tell you again (and probably again) that I don’t want you to try to be a “holy” person… a spiritual paragon. I want you to be basically a normal human being (of your type) who is well established in an important profession. I want you to be responsible for getting your profession to accept the spiritual as a legitimate dimension… and you do know that the process is as important as the content. But just leave it to faith and trust that My reality shall prevail – as your spirit grows and develops it will show… without your trying to make it so.

For example, last night you developed some doubts during your musical presentation. It seemed to come up in regard to the sex-related songs, but it persisted after you had done them… and not badly at all. Then you began to be concerned about your sweating… that this was detracting from the spiritual impact of the presentation. Know that it might have for some, but was enhancing for others. You got back on a better track when you felt the spirit of “When You’ve Been Away”, but there was still more concern for self than was pleasing to Me.

What would I recommend? Either take your jacket off and roll up your sleeves and wipe your brow, acknowledging the sweat, and then getting on with the songs… or just sweat, acknowledge it to yourself, enjoy it, and get on with the program. Sweat should not be a threat to you or to your function as a singer-story teller. Don’t let it… or anything else. This is the real showing forth of spirit.

There was plenty of evidence, last night and this morning, however, that many did feel your spirit and were touched by it in their own. It is unique, and you are doing it better and better. Try, at the college meeting and/or the Oregon Conference, having song sheets so that the group can sing along in selected spots. This will achieve some different results, probably even a bit better. You see, it basically is an act of more mutual sharing. You are sharing with them now, but as they sing too they are sharing with you and with one another. And they will have a possible “memento” to remind them, later, of the experience.

OCT. 16, 1980, 12:16 PM

The spirit is not a hidden quality, o son. True, it is not perceived quite as blatantly as a flashing smile, red hair, or extreme size, but it will be discerned, particularly by people with comparable spiritual development and expression. It is still important, however, not to become overly conscious of this in self. As you begin to “try” to exhibit spirit you shall succeed less well. And the harder you try, the less you will achieve. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is.

So, I . . .

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