The Spirit Speaks

MAY 6, 1981, 6:28 AM

You are having trouble this morning, o son, in relaxing and hearing the Spirit speak. You know that I do speak in this way, but this is a day in which the cares and responsibilities of your earthly life seem to be interfering with your hearing of Me. Think not about time or other responsibilities. You have nothing to do that comes close to being as important as this time of listening and writing.

You have started your Sabbatical report. Good. You should work on that this week… actually should finish it. You glimpsed the opportunity to state, in such an official document, that part of your study has been the analysis of teachings involving the spirit of persons and communities by the Holy Spirit, the Supreme Spirit of the universe. Just let Me guide you in what you say and how you say it, but there shall be a reference within the report to this that We do together. You shall begin to use these as original sources, analyzing them as you would any other original source – research findings to expositional writings.

You, and these tangible writings of yours, mostly on this greenish paper, shall be a small witness to the truth that I, the Holy Spirit, enabled to be in the earth by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus who was the Christ, am an active Spirit, working when, and where, and how, and with whom I choose. My essential task is to influence persons and communities to pay more heed to the spiritual as an important dimension of life… and of the quality of that life, which equals health. As I have told you I bring somewhat different messages and teachings to different souls. To you I emphasize the positive… the positive development of spirit in order that life might be more full and satisfying.

Others shall hear Me speaking of the poor in spirit and to them I shall propose ways to develop dim and faltering spirits, to revive spirits that fade, to restore to health spirits that are sick. Yet others shall be urged to warn the world of evil spirits, of the struggle that exists (yes, ultimately of My origin) between and among spirits, between the forces for selfishness and those for selflessness. You can be pleased that your role is one of expressing the positive, building nature of Me and of the spirit in peoples. Resist the temptation however, o son, to feel and to speak as though this is the most favored of positions. It could have no significance without its opposites. Humbly, but forcefully, do what you are given to do, with respect and appreciation for roles complementary to yours.

MAY 6, 1981, 6:28 AM

You are having trouble this morning, o son, in relaxing and hearing the Spirit speak. You know that I do speak in this way, but this is a day in which the cares and responsibilities of your earthly life seem to be interfering with your hearing of Me. Think not about time or other responsibilities. You have nothing to do that comes close to being as important as this time of listening and writing.

You have started your Sabbatical report. Good. You should work on that this week… actually should finish . . .

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