The Spirit Teaches

FRI., OCT. 30, 1987, 6:02 AM

You hear Me, in some not-quite-explainable way, and you write down what you hear. I am teaching you about life (yes, it could have been titled Life Itself), because I want you to learn. You have mastered this approach to learning rather well, even as your attention wanders rather often. I shall gently chide you toward putting these most current volumes in better order… (indexed) with table of contents and a few other notes. All of these lessons are valuable, and at some time I will give you directions for other uses of these Teachings.

Yes, I, the Holy Spirit, teach. I use your language, English, and I use your developed style of writing. I want you to understand, so I use the form of language with which you are the most familiar. It is difficult for you to grasp the fact that I can communicate in every language, every dialect, and every style of writing. In addition, I use mystical means so that persons are urged toward better living even as they would claim never to have heard a word from Me.

I teach through experiences. With you I also offer Teachings that explain and clarify your experiences, but you must be aware that many of the experiences of life are basically for learning. You are not yet aware enough of this teaching mode as it is actually happening. As I have told you, you must develop to the place where such awareness is natural; you can’t just do it because I tell you to. Yet My urging can help you toward this development.

You must remember this in your own teaching. You are quite familiar with much of what you teach, particularly with the models, continua, and other ways of thinking. Remember that some of these learners need time and repetition before they can comprehend what is quite natural for you. When you do repeat and revisit a concept, more will come to know it and be able to apply it. Be patient, and also creative in your revisiting… as I am.

Continue to devise ways of learning. The approaches you used last evening are excellent ones, and quite appropriate to the course and to the way you have announced that you will teach it. Student interaction is an approach you have used all during your career, and, if anything, you should use it even more in these last years. Be as sure as possible that learners know why they are interacting, and always give them opportunities to realize and appreciate how each learning experience has developed… and what they have learned.

I use this method. I have you functioning as a university teacher and as an adult spiritual teacher. You learn through this active means… not only about what you are teaching, but about spiritual matters, as well. Continue to be aware that every teaching opportunity is a learning opportunity for you. Each interaction that results from your teaching has the potential of increasing your learning… about some concept, about the person, about yourself, even about Me. For remember that I come to you in many ways, one of which is through individual people.

Yes, “the face of Christ” comes to you in many possible faces. As you mature in My service you shall see this aspect of Me in more and more circumstances. Now just appreciate when this occurs, even when this appreciation is in retrospect. Your “spiritual family” is a large and expanding one, and I shall continue to come to you through persons, even through ones you have not thought of as representing Me.

FRI., OCT. 30, 1987, 6:02 AM

You hear Me, in some not-quite-explainable way, and you write down what you hear. I am teaching you about life (yes, it could have been titled Life Itself), because I want you to learn. You have mastered this approach to learning rather well, even as your attention wanders rather often. I shall gently chide you toward putting these most current volumes in better order… (indexed) with table of contents and a few other notes. All of these lessons are valuable, and at some time I will give you directions . . .

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