The Spirit Within

JUNE 21, 1979, 5:48 AM

The theme does not stand out clearly this morning. This is what I want instruction upon, and so I commence, hoping that the Spirit will join me in this learning venture.

(The above paragraph was written by Bob Russell as he waited for the Spirit…)

O son, you have selected a vital theme, one with many roads and rooms. But let’s be clear of the most important precept: it is the spirit within, combined with My Spirit within, that shines forth in a person’s daily behavior. What you are, to yourself and to others, is largely a function of the combination of your spirit and Mine. By will you can “force” yourself to do a number of things that you “should” do (or keep yourself from doing what you “shouldn’t”), but this may or may not be genuine. It is a virtue that you exercise your will, sayeth the Spirit.

But it is the behavior that comes spontaneously, the bursts forth around will, that commands My attention. For this is the evidence of spirit.

Reconciliation was another possible theme for today, and, yes, this is an important evidence of spirit and Spirit. Reconciliation begins with forgiveness… one of the most fundamental “dimensions” of the spirit. My prayer (you had to quickly review it) asks Me to forgive as you forgive. But you can only say that prayer because you have been forgiven, and this empowers you (when you realize it) to forgive others. It is your spirit acknowledging My Spirit and the forgiveness it rains upon you that comes to make it impossible for you to hold hard thoughts or grudging judgment against another. Lo, forgiveness begets forgiveness.

But then comes the action – reconciliation. It can be dramatic and overt… an open, frank, clear apology and a request for a realignment of friendship. Or it can be quieter… consideration shown… little things in which your spirit cries out to his that the time for war is over.

Forgiveness can come in one spirit and not in the other. Reconciliation involves both spirits – untangling their anger, melting their selfishness, and countering the negatives with love and with the appreciation for the other and for the Spirit, Holy.

Forgiveness and reconciliation are both important. They are alike, and they are different. They complement each other. They are a fundamental evidence of the spirit within.

You need to develop some clearer distinctions between the social and the spiritual, as dimensions of health. Social behavior is in response to others. What you do in a situation is what those other you value most would have you do. (And you see that even here the highest value may well be spiritual, at least in part). It is that which gets some social approval.

But the spiritual goes beyond. It is being true to your higher natures… to your spirit… and to the heeding of the leading of Mine. (A lilting phrase). Spiritual health means that you will act in ways that are beneficial to yourself and others, but that may be beyond what society requires. As a social being you are not required or expected to do… But you do. And it is recognized by other spirits and by the Spirit.

When My Spirit truly intertwines with yours – Christ in you, the hope of glory – there is a guidance and a direction. Importantly, this does not diminish the strength of your spirit alone. (I may leave you, at times, to test your mettle… I enjoy testing). Your spirit becomes more like Mine as they are closely associated, within, and as Mine leaves yours, if it truly has been in communion, yours continues as it has been guided.

I come not because I need to… or even because you need Me. I come because I want to, and you receive Me because you want to. This is the best of relationships. You, too, may focus most upon those relationships that have a compatibility of spirit. Leave not the others, but you may move clearly to these spiritual ones now.

The small sickness is over. This day shall be a fine one. Friendships made, strengthened, and renewed. And only because the spirit within and the Spirit Within are in harmony. Blessed by My Spirit.

6:40 AM