“The Spirit World”

SUN., MAY 1, 1983, 6:32 AM

The “spirit world”, o son, is a vast and varied one. You are part of a culture that is very limited in its recognition and acceptance of these many manifestations of spirit. You are aware, through this experience with Me, that even many Christians are comfortable with having Me pretty much “in name only”. The claim that I am actively involved in the earth and in human lives is too “spooky”.

I want you to continue these meditations and to use the Teachings in the several ways that you develop and that I open to you. Through this experience and by way of the Teachings you shall be more aware of the magnitude and functioning of the “world” called spirit than most. This shall be both an advantage and a disability.

The advantages cannot really be explained. Basically, you just shall know in ways that are unexplainable, and you shall have enlightening experiences that other shall not have. The disability comes in trying to communicate what you have experienced to those who have had no such experience. And it is even more difficult when those with whom you communicate reject the notion of an abounding spirit world and protect their ignorance by rejecting you and any who seem to be involved in such unprovable experiences.

The challenge that is yours to meet is the one of living and functioning in the university and professional atmosphere of American culture, retaining your credibility as a health professional… and, at the same time, becoming more aware and appreciative of the “spirit world”, in which I am Supreme. You are doing reasonably well with the challenge thus far, but know that you have just begun. I am helping you build the personal strength and professional position that shall sustain you as your spiritual encounters increase and intensify.

Your other, parallel challenge shall be equally evident. I am the Holy Spirit, the teaching, comforting, reinforcing spirit of the Christ, My most wonderful manifestation… and therefore I should lead you in strict accordance with the Holy Scriptures, rejecting as evil and untrue manifestations of spirit that do not seem consistent with the Biblical experience. If I did this you could be an orthodox born-again Christian with the Bible as your principal referent.

This would make you “freaky” to some (as Abe seems to you) but quite acceptable to others, including some in Lenore’s family. But I shall lead you beyond the orthodox Christian, denying only the necessity to deny these other spiritual realities. In this position you shall be rejected by many, including Christians, and truly accepted by few. These few, however, shall be quite worth knowing and relating with!

I had you put the title in quotation marks because while we can refer to a spirit world, the term “world” has a limiting quality, and the “spirit world” is virtually without limits. Yes, there are evil spirits, but when you are in relationship with Me (as you are) any effects from such evil spirits are means of growth. EVERY experience that you have now is a means of growth in spirit. If you tried to appreciate all of these in one day you would be overwhelmed. So keep this knowledge as fundamental for each day and accept what you can as growth opportunities.

SUN., MAY 1, 1983, 6:32 AM

The “spirit world”, o son, is a vast and varied one. You are part of a culture that is very limited in its recognition and acceptance of these many manifestations of spirit. You are aware, through this experience with Me, that even many Christians are comfortable with having Me pretty much “in name only”. The claim that I am actively involved in the earth and in human lives is too “spooky”.

I want you to continue these meditations and to use the Teachings in the several ways that you develop and . . .

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