The Spiritual Dimension

APR. 15, 1981, 8:00 AM (9:00 Boston)

Yes, o son, the people are gathering in the Boston room, and the consideration for the spiritual dimension to a healthy life shall begin. Symbolically you are there. This is the right thing for you to be doing now. Another confrontation with Matthew shall be at another time. Now is the time to be with Jack and Becky.

The spiritual dimension shall never be measurable in linear or weight units, but only a small portion of what is important to health can be so measured. A hug is a physical act and presumably could be measured in units of pressure. But the time of the hug, the duration, the subtle pressures… all these, when of the spirit, communicate the reality of relationship that is important as a part of health. When the spirit is strong hugs are natural as a part of lifestyle. The spirit directs, using the body, and coordinating a total person interaction… which is what the spirt does best.

Remember that manifestations of spirit are rarely pure spirit. Rather they are happenings involving all the dimensions of the person and others present, with the spirit coordinating and facilitating. (Yes, in this sense what the spirit does best is to function like unto a good community health educator.) So the Seder supper the other evening was a fine example of a spiritual experience. There was tradition, remembering, speaking, listening, socializing, eating, drinking, singing, praying, cleaning up… Spirit was present, but not dominating, which is the best role of spirit.

Your classes at the Farm are usually the best exercises of spirit. Oh, if all classes were of that sort the effects would diminish, so it is part of the role of developed spirit to determine how often, when, how long… choices that cannot be made as well by the mind. When you have those last classes out there, be sure and make them aware of how the spirit is functioning. Be aware of the balance between the reinforcement of learning, thinking, laughing, singing, playing, eating, drinking, talking, appreciating beauty… If your spirit is strong and in charge the balance will be maximum.

The program this morning exhibits a fine sense of spirit. You would have given it a better balance… and you shall, in the future. Your presentations on the spirit have not had enough visual content. Slides, transparencies, pictures… all have potential to aid in understanding. You must do more with imagery, also. Encourage learners to create their own pictures, and then share with each other, in words at least, the nature of these mind picturizations. Yes, develop some for International Health. That course commenced with excellent spirit, but needs an infusion during these last few weeks.

The requirement of a report from the Vice President’s office on your sabbatical project is a stimulus to you to bring back to close consciousness what you did and what it meant. Devote much of next Wednesday to that report. Once you start it you will develop a feel for it. This is an important spiritual exercise, as well as an administrative requirement. Schedule this.

APR. 15, 1981, 8:00 AM (9:00 Boston)

Yes, o son, the people are gathering in the Boston room, and the consideration for the spiritual dimension to a healthy life shall begin. Symbolically you are there. This is the right thing for you to be doing now. Another confrontation with Matthew shall be at another time. Now is the time to be with Jack and Becky.

The spiritual dimension shall never be measurable in linear or weight units, but only a small portion of what is important to health can be so measured. A hug is . . .

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