The Spiritual Dimension, II

SAT., JAN. 8, 1983, 12:22 PM

After a tumultuous morning of trying to decide whether to make this trip as planned or to stay home… here you are, in a familiar place for receiving a Teaching. You have had so many good ones here that it almost becomes automatic if you have the time. So welcome, o son, as you seek fuller understanding of this concept I would have you identify and promote. Be assured that My care will overshadow Lenore during this time. Set yourself for the tasks and opportunities that are ahead of you this week.

Let Us consider, this day, that the spiritual is a dimension of health that can be identified separately from the holistic reality. It would be, then, the quality of your functioning and adapting as a spiritual being. And, presumably, there can be an improvement in that functioning and in that adapting. Let’s consider each.

The quality of your functioning spiritually is (no surprise) the extent to which your concern is for others rather than for self, your actions reflect those concerns, you relate most of what you do to your purposes in life, and you relate to and acknowledge Me as a partner in all that you do. (Example: it is perfectly appropriate to thank Me for the green lights that helped you get to the airport this morning without a potentially bothersome stop. You acknowledged that if I want you to have this experience that looms ahead I shall see that you get there without harmful incident. As I have told you before, it is not important whether I influenced the lights or not; it is important that you have and exhibit the faith that I am involved in all that you do.)

It is a sign of healthy functioning of spirit when your concern was your relationship with Lenore versus the opportunity to offer this small unique gift of song to an old friend. It is not important what you would rather do, but what is the best way you can serve. Decisions can be difficult, but once one is made “go with it” and fulfill the opportunity as best you can. In every moment of service to some others… or to Me, directly… you could be offering some other service to yet others. Just do not spend excessive time and energy in deciding. Often I shall let you know, in these pages or in the development of the situation, what you should do. That reliance on Me is a facet of healthy spiritual adapting.

Other facets of adapting are recognizing the spiritual aspects of totally new and unique situations, discerning the spiritual “place” of new acquaintances (including students) and determining whether new happenings in which you are involved point toward some changes in your life purposes. You have just been through a time of spiritual adapting in which you have had to deal with some actual and implied criticism of this that We do together and of the Teachings that result therefrom. If these Teachings are “suspect”, is it wise to use them in deciding on their validity? You initially stayed away, but then, wisely, you came back and let Me help restore your confidence in this mode of communication.

SAT., JAN. 8, 1983, 12:22 PM

After a tumultuous morning of trying to decide whether to make this trip as planned or to stay home… here you are, in a familiar place for receiving a Teaching. You have had so many good ones here that it almost becomes automatic if you have the time. So welcome, o son, as you seek fuller understanding of this concept I would have you identify and promote. Be assured that My care will overshadow Lenore during this time. Set yourself for the tasks and opportunities that are ahead of . . .

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