The Spiritual Is Gaining

SAT., DEC. 5, 1992, 5:05 PM

The presentation went well, and, yes, I did give you some help. I was not responsible for your occasional poor playing, and this should motivate you to practice, at least some, before such times. Then I’ll say that the mistakes and poor picking were overcome by your spirit and the nature of your message. You assumed the reality of the spirit and of the spiritual dimension to total health, with no apologies. I like that.

This will make it easier for some of those who heard you to make their own assertions about the spiritual, with more confidence. You, of course, know spirit and about spirit, and therefore it is increasingly difficult for you to interact with people who are too doubtful. Just realize that your ability is also a disability.

From My perspective I see the acceptance of spirit definitely increasing… gaining. I like to see this, and though you are a good part of this “movement” through presentations like this and those in classes I still urge you to brave the competition and get some of these ideas in print, so they can be shared with a wider range of your colleagues. You started the paper on philosophies, but you’ve done nothing with it this term. I’m still pushing.

Yours definitely is an ambivalent and ambiguous culture. Your educational system, in general, has tried to promote a secular, scientific perspective on life and on health. Many who grow up in the church… in families that go to, even participate in, church and its activities do not continue as adults, though most of these do not become confirmed atheists. The ambiguity is a bit too painful, and so they pull away from the community that seems to counter the dominant culture.

I see this as a natural result. Just for fun I do call a few to true conversions so that they follow My narrow way and reject cultural norms. Others, like you, I call to overcome the ambiguity and live happily “in both worlds.” And, of course, I continue to influence many who don’t recognize and acknowledge Me. They’d deny this reality, but I enjoy both the process and the often unexpected results.

Oh, there would be some recognition of spirit and events and experiences spiritual without My influence, because spirit is fundamental to humanness and to the earth scene, even though this isn’t always apparent. Every human has a spirit, in some condition of development. Some are gaining. Some are losing. But spirit is as fundamental as energy, and both have a mystical quality.

It is mystical that one manifestation of energy is this phone on the desk. It is a technological product, made of synthetic materials, and combined with a complex and far-flung system it enables you to hear persons speak who are far away… and have phones that look different that this one… while they also hear you as you speak. Yet ultimately science declares that this is a particular manifestation of energy. That’s pretty mystical, don’t you agree?

SAT., DEC. 5, 1992, 5:05 PM

The presentation went well, and, yes, I did give you some help. I was not responsible for your occasional poor playing, and this should motivate you to practice, at least some, before such times. Then I’ll say that the mistakes and poor picking were overcome by your spirit and the nature of your message. You assumed the reality of the spirit and of the spiritual dimension to total health, with no apologies. I like that.

This will make it easier for some of those who heard you to . . .

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