The Spring Of Life

FRI., MAY 25, 1984, 7:50 AM

The morning is truly beautiful, o son, as you sit by this rushing stream, ready for words from Me about life as you are living it and as it should be lived. The water that flows by comes from a spring which seems to be never-ending as a source of this vital fluid. At first the noise seemed disturbing, but I urge you to let it be the symbolic background for communication with Me, the fount of all love, wisdom, and ultimate perspective.

You are fortunate to be able to acknowledge Me in the variety of places to which your Teachings attest. Your life is one of relative stability (the majority of Teachings are headed “Farm”… even “Farm, Study”) but there is also a nice amount of mobility, giving you different, physical vistas and a greater variety of perceptions of life than many people have. The rhythm and balance to your life is about right now, so do not seek too much additional travel and movement, but also do not shirk the opportunities that come your way, many of which are mostly arranged by Me.

You feel My presence here in this now familiar mode of communication. Each day I become a more vital part of your life, because I encourage you to grow in spirit, you are mature enough to do so… and as this growth takes place you move inexorably toward closer relationship with Me. You are bothered, sometimes, by the fact that you don’t seek Me in pleading, painful, groveling ways, as some of My saints in the past have done… and as many do today. Am I real if I come to you this easily? Shouldn’t all seekers have an equally hard time? Shouldn’t you have to take the initiative, finding Me slow and reluctant in response?

I said this is worrisome to you “sometimes”, and fortunately it is not often. My approach to souls is as different and diverse as those souls are in development and in perspective. You sit here beside a source of ample water. It is yours for the reaching. The spring is close, and you have to make little effort to be filled with this life-sustaining and life-enhancing fluid. Not far from here, in almost any direction, if you needed water you would have to work exceedingly hard for it. You might even perish for the lack of it.

In similar fashion some humans are close to “the spring”, and I call them even closer. Your will is relatively unimportant, in relation to Mine. Yes, I have a Will, and it is limited only by My desire to have you experience will also, as a part of growth toward spiritual maturity. Ultimately your will shall seem unimportant, and in a magnified sense of the calling you felt this morning you shall respond more and more easily to My directions for your life.

I have more tasks for human servants than you can possibly imagine. You are in good position, now, to accomplish what I have for you. Listen to Me, not to the world… even to the world of other Christians… as to how you should be. Remember that true holiness comes in being faithful to me, not in any actions, approved of or condemned by others, even those most assuredly Christian.

You know what you must do today, and your mix of confidence and apprehension is better than it has been. I don’t command you to initiate this “confrontation”, even though I consider that it would be valuable for both of you. Don’t shirk the opportunity if it is there, but also don’t feel guilty if it doesn’t happen.

FRI., MAY 25, 1984, 7:50 AM

The morning is truly beautiful, o son, as you sit by this rushing stream, ready for words from Me about life as you are living it and as it should be lived. The water that flows by comes from a spring which seems to be never-ending as a source of this vital fluid. At first the noise seemed disturbing, but I urge you to let it be the symbolic background for communication with Me, the fount of all love, wisdom, and ultimate perspective.

You are fortunate to be . . .

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