The Story Grows

FRI., OCT. 9, 1981, 1:12 PM

You have found a beautiful, but cool, spot, o son, to hear My words after a hectic week. We have done well in finding this place. Now listen as I reflect upon the growing story that is you… in relation to Me.

A sincere desire to help Lenore and be at least somewhat supportive of her ventures were the major motivations for your trip up here, but you also know that this is the time to write the next issue of Ruminations. I have told you this must be done, you want to do it, and you realize that those interested in reading it are increasing in numbers… significantly. You have had one printing out, you have this small class, you have a few students with whom you share, and you have made a couple of presentation to classes. And you have written personal letters. Altogether these, PLUS, of course, the quality and appropriateness of the teachings themselves, are bringing into being a following of you.

Continue to be cautious in your selections and in actual discussion of these teachings, but settle down and do some writing that shall communicate the nature of this adventure in faith. After this meditation… a short nap… then BEGIN this writing. Let nothing else take precedence over this communication.

Let Me urge you again to begin a student group. You have to be ready… that I know… but you know you are… and are just procrastinating. Start small, 4-5, and once a month. Then let it grow as your story grows.

In addition to the printed forms of “your story” there will eventually be tapes, and that shall be an important way to have your story told. Begin to think about that.

You also shall write some song lyrics. You are not ready for this adventure either, but as long as you know it is in the progressing state you will come to it more readily and rapidly. You are aware that many lyrics are pretty “dumb” and you do not want to add to such expressions, but do not be so critical that you don’t make this contribution as you should.

I prod you to tell your story as you meet the class group next. In the meantime, take opportunities that present themselves at the convention and in your letter writing. Vary it according to the people and circumstances, and then see what comes from others. The contribution from Chuck concerning his baby’s spirit’s visit is an example of something that came spontaneously and unexpectedly. There are so many spiritual stories to be told. You can be the catalyst.

Part of your story, now documented clearly, and exemplified by this, is that you can receive My teachings in many different settings. I am with you, within and without, wherever you go, and I am eager to be the instructor, sometimes using the new setting to make some special point.

Another continuing note of the story is that you hear Me just as if I were talking to you. I speak slowly so that you can write the words, but you definitely hear Me, apart from other stimuli, as well as the workings of your own mind. The times I have had you record are part of the proof of this. Challenge a scoffer, at some point, to write something comparable in the same time and with the same quality.

Encourage your sons as they evidence any interest in these teachings. Sometime you must complete the task with Matthew. He becomes more and more ready for a walk with Me.

FRI., OCT. 9, 1981, 1:12 PM

You have found a beautiful, but cool, spot, o son, to hear My words after a hectic week. We have done well in finding this place. Now listen as I reflect upon the growing story that is you… in relation to Me.

A sincere desire to help Lenore and be at least somewhat supportive of her ventures were the major motivations for your trip up here, but you also know that this is the time to write the next issue of Ruminations. I have told you this must be done . . .

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