The Study

OCT. 14, 1980, 11:48 AM

Inasmuch as your sabbatical time is now almost half spent, and today you are off on another change of place, let Me offer, o son, some observations in relation to the study… Our study. It has not gone as well as it might have, but it will all come together before you return to teaching, be assured. Continue to follow the leadings I offer, and acknowledge Me as the source and director of your life as often as you are able.

You have the little book in which to write observations on evidences of the spirit as you encounter them in daily life, but you haven’t begun to do that writing yet. Let this be another nudge in that direction. Reflect on your day at the Farm this week. It was a beautiful day, and beautiful days are those that enhance spirit. You observed the Cross from Peter’s park and admired its etchedness against the blue sky. You saw the pine needles accumulating on the grave, and you projected on to a time when that hillside will be thick with needles. That is a spirit-filling experience for you. Appreciate it more fully.

Let Me say again: do not focus on the dirty, messy, and distasteful aspects of the Farm… except as you purpose to change them. See the present beauties and see the potential. Let these elevate the spirit. The other is like unto a sickness; if you focus on the negative experience it depresses the spirit and also takes that time away from the positive, enhancing ventures. Resolve to make some improvements when you return, and do these with a buoyant spirit. You and Lenore should spend at least one day out there, renewing the spirit that you now share.

Okay, a brief digression, but an important one. As two people spend years living together and sharing the experiences of life, as you and Lenore have, there is a way in which your spirits join and become one. This is not a complete process. You each retain your own spirit, and each can interact with the other, with Mine, with those of your children, of students, fellow saints… But it still is true that as you and Lenore have interrelated over these years you have become one… as well as two. This can happen with other people, too, but it takes time and the sharing of many sorts of experiences AND it may not happen with married couples. Some stay together for years and achieve no coming together as One, in spirit. You do have it, and you can often nurture it purposely. I encourage you to do so.

OCT. 14, 1980, 11:48 AM

Inasmuch as your sabbatical time is now almost half spent, and today you are off on another change of place, let Me offer, o son, some observations in relation to the study… Our study. It has not gone as well as it might have, but it will all come together before you return to teaching, be assured. Continue to follow the leadings I offer, and acknowledge Me as the source and director of your life as often as you are able.

You have the little book in which to write . . .

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