The Summer Season

THURS., NOV. 8, 1990, 7:11 AM

The outside scene is fall-going-toward-winter. A few leaves remain, but the trees are practically bare. You now can see the sky in ways that you couldn’t through the foliage of summer. You prefer the hot, leafy season, but I urge you to focus on the positive aspects of this season ahead.

Yet you see that the title of this Teaching refers to a season quite far off, but one for which you must plan now. I have been influencing your thoughts about this season and its potential activities, and you are responding to My guidance. Nevertheless, I might as well help you more directly clarify the use of your talents that seems best… that is best.

Consider first that you have responsibilities here at your own university. It is a difficult choice between the Human/Spiritual Interacting class and the one concerning Alcohol and Drugs. I cannot tell you that there will be sufficient enrollment in the spiritual adventure, but I can say that you should do this one if enough students respond. I know it is a strain to go directly into a new course after the Spring term, but you set the dates, so that must be your choice. Plan on that, with the faith that the spiritual title will be sufficiently attractive. If not, the drug course is quite familiar… and also one in which you can emphasize the importance of spirit to health.

I need say nothing about the Death Education course. Continue to do that open with the spirit, zeal, and feeling that is characteristic. Consider this course, each term, to be a special means for you to influence young spirits… and some old ones, in the midst. This class if fundamental to a good balance for you, every term.

The notification of your selection as a presenter at the Wisconsin conference has come, and, if the meeting is sufficiently attractive you shall have a busy time. You shall not get to present directly in relation to these Ruminations of ours, but you should have many opportunities for new readers. Your present mailing list seems to be paring itself, so you should be ready for a few new ones. (In that regard, I urge you to write to Cheryl and send some back issues. You didn’t quite complete your list of responsibilities from your trip.) With your opportunity to do the pre-conference workshop on Human/Spiritual Interacting you can see the good in having done the longer version in May here. Those fit together well. And Perspectives on Death is one you do easily and well. With the added time you can add a short version of Peter’s story, with application of the perspectives.

Wisely, you have thought that the Texas opportunity would be “too much.” Call Bill and let him know, but offer the possibility of the following summer. That could be a good experience, but not this coming annum.

Synod School… hmmm. Your concern for Lenore’s disinterest is proper. It is not good that you are away from each other excessively. However, the teaching opportunity is another good one for you, and they are courting you. The notion that you should “finish off” this summer spiritual adventure with full participation and lots of your songs is one I have offered you. So, yes, accept this opportunity and do it will zeal and spirit. Then you can, in future years, decide not to go with a more comfortable sense of closure.

Give more thought and effort to your garden as the warm weather returns. You can do better than you did this past season. This is a balance to your teaching and writing opportunities that you acknowledge but do not always practice.

You and Lenore should plan some activity together, away from here. I shall not suggest what it should be. She should do this. You must not schedule yourself so that there is not sufficient time for you to be together. Always remember that this is your prime earth relationship.

THURS., NOV. 8, 1990, 7:11 AM

The outside scene is fall-going-toward-winter. A few leaves remain, but the trees are practically bare. You now can see the sky in ways that you couldn’t through the foliage of summer. You prefer the hot, leafy season, but I urge you to focus on the positive aspects of this season ahead.

Yet you see that the title of this Teaching refers to a season quite far off, but one for which you must plan now. I have been influencing your thoughts about this season and its potential . . .

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