The Teachings Circulate

JULY 10, 1981, 6:31 AM

You are beginning to experience, o son, some of the effects of these, My teachings to you. You also are seeing that it is not necessary for you to publicize them or “beat the drum” for their authenticity. These teachings have a spiritual integrity that will affect the spirits of some who hear or read them. These people, in turn, will bring others to hear… and some of these will be brought to new or better relationship with Me.

Relationships. That is a key concept. Interaction is another. Each human person has a spirit, but just like bodies and minds, these spirits are variously developed. All have developed over a number of lifetimes, of course, but some have interacted more… have been in relationships that have brought more growth than others have achieved. So when two spirits come together, there may be a congruity to their development that is evident. Or it may seem as though there is much difference in the state of development.

Is this important? Not very, really. Kris’ spirit has been awakened for a period of growth through interaction with Me through you and these teachings of Ours. That is marvelous! Hers is not so much an undeveloped spirit as one that has been dormant for some time… out of relationship with Me. “Dormant” is probably too strong a term, for as she has been in relationship and interaction with you and some important others her spirit has grown and developed… but unconsciously and without real direction. Now she is recognizing the active process… and is excited by it. And it is exciting, isn’t it?!

What you said to her was essentially right. (You are coming to discern My thoughts and responses even in the midst of conversations with others. Think what you could do if you carried on some regular study of these writings. I won’t push this, but I plant the idea… and say, “Consider it”.) I want relationship with spirits… with each spirit. Because each is distinctive, each has had different experiences with and about Me, and because of the great range in development I must use different methods of approach. The response of your new little pup is a fresh example: if you stand tall he cowers and runs away. If you squat down, closer to his small height he comes running, tail wagging. So it is with Kris. From My tall, majestic stances she turns away… not frightened, just “not interested”. But when I come in this friendly way, through you… an established professional… she responds and is ready for a growing relationship. And I am pleased.

What I am called is not supremely important. The important criterion is the spirit and the motivation behind the name used. If one name helps relationship grow and another more accepted one impedes interaction then I favor the one that leads to growth and possible at-one-ment. This applies to you as you find yourself in times of explanation. If a seeker is rather far along the path refer to me as the Holy Spirit. But this should be for identification, with comfort, not for pomp or divisiveness. Let the name evolve through relationship.

JULY 10, 1981, 6:31 AM

You are beginning to experience, o son, some of the effects of these, My teachings to you. You also are seeing that it is not necessary for you to publicize them or “beat the drum” for their authenticity. These teachings have a spiritual integrity that will affect the spirits of some who hear or read them. These people, in turn, will bring others to hear… and some of these will be brought to new or better relationship with Me.

Relationships. That is a key concept. Interaction is another. Each human person has . . .

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