The Theme Continues…

TUES., AUG. 5, 1997, 7:07 AM

You and I have not been together, in this teaching/learning mode for several days, understandably. There was much to do before you left on this adventure, including your minor ceremonial role in the graduation exercise. Then the long drive… and the reunion began… another form of human/spiritual interacting, the theme for this yet to be finished Ruminations. With all of the “practical examples” that you have experienced since June, it seems quite appropriate for the continuation of H/S I into the summer Letter. Retirement should make this quite possible.

Speaking of retirement you see, rather clearly, that in your case this is not a “one time” event. You were honored at a retirement party, you enjoyed the last class session of your last course (at the Farm, naturally), and you led the “honorables” in the graduation ceremony. Yet your contract continues until the end of this month, you have not received your last faculty check, and the move from the office has barely begun. It is both a slow death and a prolonged labor for the birth that finally shall take place.

The interactions have not all been pleasant, rewarding, and spiritual. Human interactions of the variety you have experienced seldom are all of one stripe. Positively, you have seemed to have restored good relations with Joyce, one of Our goals for this trip. That was a “breach” that was understandable, but it continued, in your spirit, longer than either of us expected. Now the healing has begun, but you are reluctant to ask how she feels about Our relationship, the Teachings, and the Ruminations. You can decide about this. I told you no lie when I said you do have some amount of free will.

There is a spiritual quality to this gathering of family, for there is much love and many earlier-in-life experiences that bind some of you together. There is much general acknowledgment of Me, as the Christian Triune God, but also diversity that would be divisive if it were faced. Yours is not the only family, “by any means”, that accepts diversity and doesn’t face the differences that divide you. It is easier and pleasanter to go to a barbecue with entertainment, to a stage play (of sorts), and engage in other diverse activities than to attempt a discussion of spiritual perspectives AND experiences.

Shouldn’t I push you to encourage the revealing of both agreements and disagreements? This brings to mind a loud and somewhat divisive evening “discussion” at Michael’s and Wendy’s, now many years ago in your family’s life. It was not a particularly healing experience; if anything, it identified differences that remain, and I, certainly, am the cause of some of these differences. “I have come not to bring peace, but a sword…”

Accept this, if you can, as My Spirit of fun in action. I am the Creator and Sustainer of all life here on earth, and I am in final control of all that happens here, particularly in human/spiritual interacting. Now from this “position of authority” I allow much to happen that seems, to good Christians (and also Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and…), to be unnecessary and even harmful. “Why would a Good God cause… or allow…?” is a persistent question among religious folk. None of you can see the final consequences of human actions and reactions as I can. I could have created humans to be loving, cooperative, and all of the same mind and temperament.

I decided that wouldn’t be as much fun as this diverse environment, with your family, here, as a microcosm. And, I tell you again, an important part of My nature, as God, Christ, and, particularly, as Holy Spirit, is fun-loving. Apparent evils can be means for spiritual growth. Your culture puts way too much negative “color” on death, which is just a transition onward, just a more cosmic “version” of the homeward trip you will take in a few days.

TUES., AUG. 5, 1997, 7:07 AM

You and I have not been together, in this teaching/learning mode for several days, understandably. There was much to do before you left on this adventure, including your minor ceremonial role in the graduation exercise. Then the long drive… and the reunion began… another form of human/spiritual interacting, the theme for this yet to be finished Ruminations. With all of the “practical examples” that you have experienced since June, it seems quite appropriate for the continuation of H/S I into the summer Letter. Retirement should make . . .

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