The Third Day… 20 Years

THURS., MAY 20, 1999, 10:35 AM

Yes, o son, you did remember, and here We are, in warm sunshine on your deck, celebrating the third of these triune days, now 20 years since the “original three.” Hear My version of this important “change” in your life. On the first day I “hid” the manuscript from you, and encouraged you, in your close-to-panic, to dedicate the first waking hour of each day, for the next month, to a time of contemplation and writing. You made such a pledge, having only a vague notion of what this meant. (You, of course, assumed that the writing would be yours, though hopefully “inspired” a bit by Me

On the second day, the next morning, you arose early and wrote a page or two, under the title “Here Beginneth.” You didn’t know what you were doing, but, whatever it was, you were being faithful. Ten days of this followed. You were true to your promise, but still you were not sure what you were doing was any more than pledged recompense for finding the “lost manuscript.”

Then on that tenth day, 20 years ago today, you began writing, but the tenses and pronouns were not as expected. The words were being “given to you”… and you wrote them. You were a born-again Christian, but it happened quietly and unnoticed in a Presbyterian Bible study group (of all places!) You felt that you were being “led,” but you were not a charismatic soul, like unto Mabel, your mother-in-law, the one “of this kind” who you knew best. You wrote what I said to you… and wondered. Back again the next day… but I wasn’t there. You wrote anyway, and then I “took over” once again. I have told you, over Our years together, that I wanted you to be an accomplished writer, and your skills were sufficient. When you wrote “I” and “Me” (capitalized) you knew these didn’t refer to you. But you continued… and then pledged another month of “every-morning.”

Oh, there were disappointments along the way, but the pattern was being established. I wanted you in this most positive of addictions, and you were coming to feel satisfactions that were greater than the strangeness of this early morning activity. After the second month We agreed that 3 or 4 times a week would be sufficient, and that there would be times when it could be “done” (written) more conveniently at some other hour of the day… or night. (Our friend Andrea has been hearing Me, when she does, usually in the last waking hour of the day/night. I see no need to be consistent in these “calls” that are mostly “just for fun.”

You understand this, but I’ll give My version, yet again. I have fun being Holy Spirit… as well as being God and Christ Jesus. You were… and are… an unlikely choice for such a continuing “conversation”, but it has been a good “choosing.” I have no doubts now about your continuing. (Perhaps you’ll even die during one of these… wouldn’t that be fun!) Remember that wonderful truth that I gave to Solomon to include in Our Ecclesiastes – “… all is vanity and a chasing after wind.” My translation to you would be: with your hand in Mine life is joyous, and even the troubles of life can be seen as funny in their ultimate unimportance. (And also remember the “secret implication” – I am wind, so in any situation, chase after Me.)

Again I’ll say that your “task”, that continues, is to hear and write these Teachings, reread them often, write a quarterly Ruminations, keep them reasonably organized, and let John Patrick do whatever comes to him as further “use” of these.

I won’t say that We’ve embarked on another 20 years of Teachings, but at least we’re now into year 21… and I’m sure you’ll continue, as long as you can. Your ideas for the next R’s Rs are good ones. A review of these 20 years should be appreciated, by some readers, at least.

THURS., MAY 20, 1999, 10:35 AM

Yes, o son, you did remember, and here We are, in warm sunshine on your deck, celebrating the third of these triune days, now 20 years since the “original three.” Hear My version of this important “change” in your life. On the first day I “hid” the manuscript from you, and encouraged you, in your close-to-panic, to dedicate the first waking hour of each day, for the next month, to a time of contemplation and writing. You made such a pledge, having only a vague notion of what this . . .

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