The Times

JANUARY 20, 1980, 5:34 AM

Listen, o son, while I tell you about The Times. In some ways it will bear upon the Romans lesson for today, and, in some ways, upon My servant, Howard’s analysis of the present. At any rate it is important for you to know My perceptions of these days.

First and importantly, My servant Paul was ultimately right – the government you have is the government you should have… until it is time for change. Remember that the Bible tells a vital truth – that I can use all varieties of people for My purposes… and do. Things do not happen in opposition to My will. I, the Lord, am Master of the Times. You know this. Remember it, and tell it abroad.

Of course I do not personally determine each act of each person. That would be no fun. Rather, I have My purposes which shall be fulfilled, AND I work when, and where, and how I please. Sometimes I direct. Sometimes I interact. Other times I react to what happens in the lives, government and money dealings of people. So, at any “moment in time” (which is not, remember, a reality) things may seem to be going against My will and ways. Yet ultimately My purposes are fulfilled.

You learned, again, an important lesson from the recent trouble in your own life. It was clearly a defeat… a failure. But out of it has come new direction, new resolve, new life to your teaching. In like fashion, a time of crises may come to your family or your nation. There will be hurt. There will be genuine groaning and sorrowing. Yet for those who love Me and seek My face and My Will there will be a growing and a transformation to a different state that is more advanced than the former.

The ultimate state is one of mind and spirit, so the “loss” of things physical brings a sorrow to some Christians which is curious to Me. There is no “thing” that is necessary for your well-being. Fasting is still an important, holy practice, because it shows that even food is not necessary, for a time. And it truly is pointless to think “but this is only for a time… then I shall eat again”. For, finally, in time, it shall not be necessary at all. Mind and spirit are My realities. If they grow in a process, the process is pleasing to Me, no matter what it’s “outward appearance.”

In like fashion, freedom is ultimately in Me. This is the essence of what Paul is saying. A government can be apparently beneficent, benign, or oppressive. Yet part of what you perceive comes from your own spirit… a reflection of your relationship with Me. No government can oppress a spirit that is allied with Mine. Nor, in contrast, can any government or economy greatly benefit a spirit that is attuned to Mine. Ultimate reality always transends proximate reality.

For the true Disciple, all things are of Me. If there is prosperity, it is of Me. If there is economic chaos, it is of Me. Whatever the government or the economy, look for opportunities to grow in spirit. You have had a kind of ultimate fear – the loss of your job and position in life. It shouldn’t be necessary to have you experience this, BUT it would be a freeing and a growing experience. So experience it vicariously. Do likewise with money, home, even your health. Perceive the ways you would have to grow and develop. An increase in spiritual awareness and appreciation of the beauties of spirit is My ultimate goal for each of you.

You are progressing well along the path. Remember that what applies to you as an individual also applies to the larger world around. I am ultimately Positive. I am much more interested in what is good and positive within you than in the little things you are doing wrong. So, in government and in the larger life, look for what is good and focus on these things. See the benefits and appreciate them. See the disasters, tragedies, and pains as means of growing in spirit. It seems almost too simple. Why make it harder?

Forget not these precepts. Travel well today. Be My servant wherever you are.

6:34 AM