The Treatment

MAY 1, 1981, 6:26 AM

Hear Me, o son, as I tell you some stories about the Treatment you are experiencing this week. My servant, Michael, is a fine practitioner of this art of massage. It is important that you not be critical of the process or the intent, for this is as much a spiritual experience as it is a physical one.

I still shall not indicate whether, or to what extent, this process shall bring healing… though, of course, it is the last approach clearly on the horizon. I call you to continue to hold the three possibilities I presented to you: you may be quickly and miraculously healed, by Me… or you may achieve slow recovery and return of function through treatment and exercise… or you may have this as a continuing condition, to which you must adapt, throughout the rest of your earth life. You must hold each of these with equal fervor, for each is a condition of service to Me.

This condition is your personal “thorn in the flesh”. It must be a constant reminder of your relationship to Me, as opposed to your freedom to do anything you want to. This limits you in some ways, but in so doing it frees you to do some other services for Me. That is the potential, at least.

MAY 1, 1981, 6:26 AM

Hear Me, o son, as I tell you some stories about the Treatment you are experiencing this week. My servant, Michael, is a fine practitioner of this art of massage. It is important that you not be critical of the process or the intent, for this is as much a spiritual experience as it is a physical one.

I still shall not indicate whether, or to what extent, this process shall bring healing… though, of course, it is the last approach clearly on the horizon. I call you to continue to . . .

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