The Two Concepts

MON., JUNE 20, 1988, 6:32 AM

This, of course, is an “unorthodox” beginning. I shall not always respond by giving you a title before you carry through with the developed liturgy, but I did want you here this morning. You shall complete the work on grades this day, and then I want you to turn your attention to these two concepts, even as you compose the Ruminations on stories. Even as I press for this letter, on time, I want to be sure that you get started on this study, and progress with it, as you should. The first step, o son, is to clarify the two concepts individually and in relationship. Let’s get started on that.

Human/spiritual interaction is that wellspring of positive health that deals with relationships among humans and with spiritual forces and beings. In its most basic “form”, from My perspective, it is the quality of social relationships, for any individual, for groups, and for institutions. Last evening you were with a group, all from your church, but the interaction was mostly just social. It was a pleasant time, but the interactions were mostly social… a nice, compatible group.

The interaction at noon was also social, but it edged more toward the spiritual, for Dave and Dolores are among those who profit from these Teachings and were part of those first classes at the church. You shall send them some of the more recent meditations, which shall be a tangible means to maintain this spiritual interaction.

There is also the interaction within self between your social self and your spiritual self. These can work together, they can compete some, and they can be at complete cross purposes. Last evening your spiritual self could have overcome your social nature, and you could have steered the conversation toward spiritual matters.

Finally, there are interactions with Me, with a range in personal quality and in intensity. There are relationships with spirits, clear and tangible to quite mystical. The realms of spirit are great ones for interaction. You enjoy worship services mainly because they are the overt expression of relationship with Me, as Triune God, and with people also turned toward Me.

And… the connection between the two concepts is in the interaction which is spiritual, with non-human things, with animals, with earth and its plants, with many things beautiful, even music. You can love your dogs, large and small. You can love your trees and your flowers. Love is spiritual response and spiritual initiative. It is spiritual to have a concern for other humans and to see them benefit through what you can do. It also is spiritual to have a concern for the earth… a specific portion, such as this Farm, or the whole planet, with its many life forms.

The key issue in the interaction of these two concepts is that of the growth of the human population and of high entropy living that your culture encourages. Human/spiritual interaction seems to favor the increase in humans, the results of My blessed process of procreation, of medical and public health benefits, and of various means for prolonging life. Ecological balance seems to favor fewer humans or lower entropy living, with more respect for the natural systems, which may not favor more and more human life.

Did I originate famine and disease? Only as natural concomitants of earth life, as part of natural balance. These also are powerful means to spiritual growth, as all “disasters” are, in potential. The disease, AIDS, is spread through human interaction, and it is part of ecological balance. It usually involves suffering, and thus there must be those who help alleviate such… human to human/spiritual interaction.

MON., JUNE 20, 1988, 6:32 AM

This, of course, is an “unorthodox” beginning. I shall not always respond by giving you a title before you carry through with the developed liturgy, but I did want you here this morning. You shall complete the work on grades this day, and then I want you to turn your attention to these two concepts, even as you compose the Ruminations on stories. Even as I press for this letter, on time, I want to be sure that you get started on this study, and progress with it, as you should . . .

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