The ‘Unifier’

JULY 13, 1980, 5:07 AM

Yes, o son, you shall speak today of the spiritual dimension of health, that which unifies the purposes and actions of the self in day-to-day living. So, before you do your speaking, hear My words… that there might be a freshness to what you communicate.

You are beginning to understand what this dimension is about… and some others will grasp the implications rather easily… but still others will have difficulty, so you will need to proceed slowly and with clear examples. I shall offer you some on this warm, muggy morning.

All communications is enhanced by the development of spirit, because it is the spirit that truly reaches out to others… is genuinely concerned with others. But communication about the spirit is particularly affected. Those in the class with spirits well developed will hear and comprehend… like unto those who know a dance and can do it well, and can teach others more easily because of this developed ability.

Carry this example on. You are going to learn a new folk dance. A certain amount of physical skill and coordination is necessary… you have this. The emotional climate must be right… you must want to do this and have no “blocks” against such an activity. You need the mental ability to understand the directions and translate the words into actions and imitate what you see others doing. Socially you need to be compatible with the others also learning and doing the dance.

But the spirit is that which can unify the whole experience. The spirit is that which “fills” the rhythm and the significance of the dance, that knows how the dance can be a means of people relating in positive, joyful ways. The spirit appreciates the physical coordination and stamina needed, as well as the positive emotions that can override the negative ones. Those with developed spirits will learn the dance, in its entire context, most easily and most comfortably and will be teaching others most naturally and quickly.

JULY 13, 1980, 5:07 AM

Yes, o son, you shall speak today of the spiritual dimension of health, that which unifies the purposes and actions of the self in day-to-day living. So, before you do your speaking, hear My words… that there might be a freshness to what you communicate.

You are beginning to understand what this dimension is about… and some others will grasp the implications rather easily… but still others will have difficulty, so you will need to proceed slowly and with clear examples. I shall offer you some on this warm . . .

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