The Unifying… Continued

APRIL 27, 1980, 5:59 AM

You know what you want this morning, o son, and I am happy to oblige. Yes, it would be good to reread yesterday’s teaching so we can go from there. Good… now let’s continue.

Since you have devoted much of your career to expositions on alcohol there should be more to consider in that relationship to spirit. The alcoholic is one who drinks excessively and loses control of how much is consumed. Those with spirits that unify may do this (you are one) and the result is usually not serious… may often be enhancing. When the spirit is allowed to dominate the mind, and the spirit is a loving, appreciative one, that which is said and done may be wasteful of time, but seldom destructive.

But when the spirit is undeveloped (this is the kindest term) then the practice of alcoholism becomes one of repeated pain and ugliness. Not drinking is a prevention of the manifestation, but development of the spirit is the only real treatment.

So, how is the spirit developed. In much the same way other health related aspects of self are developed. Muscles are developed through constant, vigorous use. The immune system functions best when it must produce its myriad cells to counter actual possible infections. In like fashion, o son, the spirit is developed and strengthened by use. First comes awareness… you become increasingly aware of your spirit and of how it would lead you. Relationship to Me is of supreme importance. Otherwise, the mind tends to dominate, and the mind is mainly interested in the individual self. Then as you are aware of the opportunities for service to others… of the value of others… the spirit gets to direct.

When the spirit directs, the unifying effect is of highest quality. Other dimensions tend to want to dominate. If the mind is the unifying dimension it tends to favor itself and dominate rather than unify. But when the spirit is the unifier it considers the others and achieves a better balance. With better balance comes happier, more productive living.

You did not recognize the opportunity that came to you last night. Your mind seemed to be dominating, and the spiritual aspects of Carolyn’s request did not shine forth. Now you see that, however time consuming this may be, it is your major spiritual contribution to the church. I want you to write. I shall write with you. It shall not bring you wealth and national fame, but it shall be a way of increasing the warmth of spirit in the congregation. The good thing about your not saying Yes last night was that today you can say it with a testimony to its being your spiritual contribution. I approve.

Yes, I shall comment on the relationship of your ecological balance concept and the message of Chief Seattle that you read yesterday morning. Know, first, that all of My creatures are not the same. There are obvious differences in appearance, in language of communication, and in living habits. So, too, there are great variations in the understanding, acknowledgement, and manifestation of spirit – in people and in peoples. I do not desire that all people shall be alike. I am pleased with the variegations.

Some of My servants do discern the spirit in the wind, the rocks, the trees. It is not a question of “is it really there?” Remember that ultimate reality if not either/or… but both/and. Feel the spirit wherever you can. Feel it in the quiet of your pasture. Feel it in the sad eyes of Prudence. Feel it in the traffic of a busy street. Feel it in this meditation as I guide your pen to write insights old and new. Don’t worry about the spiritual discernments you don’t make. Just acknowledge and joy in the ones that you do. Spend no time putting down those who feel spirit differently from you. Even some of My good servants waste efforts in being protective of Me.

True enlightenment is the actual, honest feeling of spirit in every event, every artifact of life. But you cannot reach this by trying. That is an immutable spiritual principle. The Spirit develops by actual, honest use, not by attempts to “be more spiritual”.

Appreciate this day.
7:07 AM