The Unifying Dimension

APRIL 26, 1980, 6:40 AM

There was a question in your mind, o son, as you considered whether to seek Me this drippy morning… a question of whether to seek a new teaching or to seek some synthesis from past teachings for your presentation at Duluth. The answer came as you sat down and discerned the theme. I shall give you the essence of the presentation. Your attention is not good yet, and you are just a bit leary of such a gracious act, but you will hear My words that relate to this opportunity.

Yes, son of Mine, the spiritual is truly the unifying dimension of the individual, of human relationships and of societies of people. Yet because it has the greatest capacity for unification it also is that which makes for disunity and strife. But We shall speak mainly of the positive, unifying function of this dimension of being.

Most fundamentally, the spirit of a person is that which seeks contact with and direction from Me. The spirit knows that there is a Spirit, and the natural tendency is to seek relationship. Health is a matter of “to him who hath shall more be given”… the person who has the least resistance… the most openness… to this relationship achieves it most readily and benefits from it most fully. It gives both protection from spiritual harm and the enhancement of positive spiritual power.

As an example it increases communication. What We are doing is a blatant example. Because your spirit and Mine are in relationship you receive communications about important living issues from Me and learn to live more fully therefrom. Prayer is communication, and so is meditation. The functioning of the spirit means that the Bible and many other books and writings written in “the spirit” communicate more fully.

When the spirits of two people are in positive relationship communication takes place in many ways beyond the visual and verbal. (Conversely, when spirits are out of relationship one with the other even plain verbal communication becomes faulty and uncertain.) (Concentrate on this communication now. You are showing the result of spirits being divided. This is important, now. Listen!)

The spirit is the fundamental basis for interaction with others that is of a satisfying, high level, because the spirit is that which considers others equal to or of greater value than self. The mind builds and preserves the self; the spirit sees others first, even “the least of these.”

The development of spirit brings the development of giving to others… often beyond what they deserve. Ideal human relationships are those in which spirits encourage giving to others rather than keeping for self. There is desire to do this, along with faith and trust that this will be the best way to meet one’s own needs… indirectly rather than directly.

Review again the way the spiritual dimension increases the meaning of the well-springs of positive, holistic health. I shall expand what I said there tomorrow.

Consider the user of alcohol. You know that this is one of My strangest creations. It is proper that these substances be called “spirits”. Alcohol diminishes the mental guards… inhibitions… and allows the spirit fuller expression. If spirits are healthy, happy, and in tune, the expression is joyous and upbuilding. Spirits can grow and develop, together and separately, under the influence. But, reconsidering My first admonition: as spirits are undeveloped or not “in tune” alcohol makes for destruction and “even what he hath shall be taken away”. (You know some of the pictures to use now). What is not often said is that as the power and control of the mind diminishes, the power and control of the spirit increases. If what is evidenced is ugly, then this is the reflection of spirit. Just as looking at a fat, out-of-shape body in the mirror can be an impetus to better care and body building, so the mirror of alcohol can be an impetus to a building of spirit.

Seek me again, even today. There is more.

7:45 AM