The Unifying Dimension, Afresh

SEPT. 3, 1980, 6:03 AM

You are wisely moving now, o son, to write the paper on this unifying dimension for Again. Yes, this is a legitimate part of your study, for it does bring you back to consider, afresh, this concept We developed last April and May. It is an important concept… one you should be able to articulate rather spontaneously. So hear some fresh words on this theme so that you can begin the paper today.

An important starting point is that the quality of spiritual development determines the quality of unifying capacity, which means good balance among the dimensions of well-being and concern for others in balance with concern for self. You have seen that the Wellspring you call Heredity should truly be Heredity/Karma, but for purposes of this paper and for most teaching you shall have to keep that unsaid. What it means, however, is each individual born into the earth comes with a certain pre-developed spiritual capacity, which then is developed further in this life.

When I came as Jesus I had a rather full spiritual development. My concern for others was “natural”, and My balance was perfect for that lifetime. The point is that all do not start at the same place… or “from scratch”. One person may show tremendous growth but still have less spiritual capacity than someone who has made relatively little progress, but who has “started strong”.

Development of the spirit does come, as I said, with “exercise”. Some of this can be deliberate, even planned, but this means that the mind is involved. Mind and spirit must work together, know this, o son, and it is good to know what exercise of the spirit means. Still, when spirit directs itself the concern for others and the sharing of self just comes “more naturally”. You know that in some respects Lenore is more advanced than you are… and yet in other ways you exceed her. Fortunately, spiritual development is not a contest. The point is not to be better than someone else, but to function as fully as you can… and then develop farther as a result of what you do.

SEPT. 3, 1980, 6:03 AM

You are wisely moving now, o son, to write the paper on this unifying dimension for Again. Yes, this is a legitimate part of your study, for it does bring you back to consider, afresh, this concept We developed last April and May. It is an important concept… one you should be able to articulate rather spontaneously. So hear some fresh words on this theme so that you can begin the paper today.

An important starting point is that the quality of spiritual development determines the quality of unifying capacity, which . . .

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