The Unifying Spirit

JUNE 11, 1980, 6:28 AM

It was at the symposium at which you developed the idea of the spirit as the unifying dimension of persons and communities that this commitment began. Now it comes to an end on this last day at home… before another journey. So let Us muse together, once again, about this unifying aspect.

(You don’t seem to be able to concentrate this morning. You are doing this out of commitment, which is an aspect of spirit, but the spirit that truly seeks to know as I know is not functioning today. Your mind is dominating, and it is flitting. I know you shall finish this, and that you ultimately will appreciate it, but how difficult it is going to be in… in process. Too bad!)

In your presentation Alcohol and the Spirit… in Song and Story you shall emphasize the place of spirit in drinking which enhances, in drinking which destroys, and in rehabilitative help. It is important that the spirit be the unifying dimension in the human person. This means that it functions best when the other aspects are in healthy functioning also. When the physical is impaired and when the mental functioning is greatly diminished the balance is “off”, and the spirit must dominate, which is not its best role… as a human, in the earth. (In other planes of being the spirit can certainly be dominant, but not here.)

(You must finish this, just as you must go through your presentation on tape. However, I shall allow something I haven’t before – you to finish this at a different time… when your mind and spirit can work better together. A troubled Amen at 7:14 AM)


You have returned, o son, as We both knew you would. Let the positive lesson be that just as you feel truly confident in something, even this that We do together, there can come a failure. And a failure can be a lesson that can be learned no other way. Or a failure can represent a part of the rhythm of your life. So here you are, and you are certainly hearing better.

Yes, the spirit is that which unifies best. That is, the well-developed spirit brings about the best balance with the other dimensions of being. Keeping a proper perspective on the spiritual itself, as a dimension. And, of course, balances and rhythms will be different for different people.

What happens when the spirit realizes that it isn’t as strong, as gentle, as well-balanced and developed as “it” expected? Something like that happened to you, and it was interesting to Me that your immediate reaction was one of spirit. It sounded as though your spirit did not shine forth in a time of no consciousness, the way you expected it would. That is something you need to explore. Then it is not a matter of countering what happened, but simply building toward more development of spirit. You have not done the fundamental sharing with your sons that brings the development of spirit – yours and theirs. They are not likely to initiate this. It is you who must do it. And it isn’t like unto a commitment of time or numbers… it is a matter of doing it when the opportunity is present. You don’t have to set up a schedule or make a big thing of it. Just be more aware of opportunities as they are, appreciate the nature of spirit… and then act… talk… follow the leading.

When spirit is not well-developed, the unifying of self is not well accomplished. Yours is generally a pretty well-developed spirit, but today is far from unified. Still, realizing the source of the difficulty is, itself, an important spiritual exercise… and you shall come forth stronger and better balanced. “Be ye perfect as I am perfect”. This is a perfection in balance, in rhythm, not a constancy of one state, however ideal it may seem. Remember, the spirit does not opt for itself only… is not interested in “doing the whole job”.

These days of sunshine are ideal, aren’t they? But you see the grass burning and dying, and you know that the dreariness of rain is necessary. Wouldn’t it be ideal to show forth nothing but strength, nothing but peace and serenity? Wouldn’t it be ideal to be perceived as one of “pure spirit”? Yes, it would… but in the same sense that sunshine every day is ideal. It finally stops growth. The spirit is exercised when it must unify that which is not easily balanced. So feel happy that your spirit doth grow this day!

A happier Amen at 7:12 AM