The Value Of Education

THURS., MAY 21, 1992, 12:38 PM

Much education is difficult to evaluate. That is, do those who go through a particular process know more than they did about some particular issues, do they feel in ways that are “healthier” and do they now act in positive, non-harmful ways? Even as you write this you have a sense of one of My repetitive messages. Some education seeks change… some the continuation of what is or reinforcement.

You and I are in an educative mode when you sit down for a Teaching. If you expected an entirely new “lesson” each time, you would be disappointed… early… and I would be a poor teacher. If I want you to learn something I find many different ways to present it to you, with varied examples. As I sense that the learning is slipping away I reintroduce it. Reinforcement is the key concept.

Yet even I cannot make you learn… and you cannot force learning in each of your students equally. Some of My Teachings you have learned very well and have now internalized them. Others don’t “stick” as surely, and I have to decide whether repetition is desirable or whether I should restate it in some other context. And this should be your role as a teacher also.

There is a range in the ease with which people learn. There is another range in how certain topics or issues are learned. And, importantly, there is the extent to which one learning conflicts with another and which you tend to value more. These are some of the reasons why any educational “message” is going to have a range of reception and why you, as a teacher, can’t guarantee perfect success.

Education is exercise for your mind… your intellect… but it is, finally, an holistic experience. The brain is primarily involved, and there are innumerable factors than can affect the brain and, therefore, what and how it “can learn.” Feeling about the subject is important. Your class this next week will focus on alcohol and other drugs as the physical phenomenon, but more so on how different people react to various substances… and the education will be influenced by how learners feel about this whole arena of human action. You are pleased, and should be, that this is an elective rather than a required course.

For many people what is finally learned is affected by those other humans around them… what they do and don’t do and how they think and react. The environment for leaning also is important. You shall have a pleasant classroom, but you also shall have your Farm to be part of the environment for the total experience.

Finally, and importantly, your spirit has a role to play in learning. As a Christian you should judge learnings by their relationship to Scriptural truth and to truths that I have shared with you. Let your spirit be the principal guide in deciding how to proceed, with a particular lesson. Sometimes your pre-developed plan should be followed… sometimes something else is more appropriate.

One of education’s values is in this exercising of your whole self in learning. Another is in its adding to your understanding of yourself and of the world in which you are. Still, most new learnings have to be weighed against previous learnings and decisions made about relative merits. Another, not quite as important, is in what comes to you because of learning. Example: you would not be in this wonderful position if you hadn’t learned well, even from early elementary school, and had not specialized in this appropriate field, for you. This position has allowed you to be of influence for Me, and I am happy to use this.

THURS., MAY 21, 1992, 12:38 PM

Much education is difficult to evaluate. That is, do those who go through a particular process know more than they did about some particular issues, do they feel in ways that are “healthier” and do they now act in positive, non-harmful ways? Even as you write this you have a sense of one of My repetitive messages. Some education seeks change… some the continuation of what is or reinforcement.

You and I are in an educative mode when you sit down for a Teaching. If you expected an entirely . . .

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