The Very Beginning Of A “Lull”

FRI., DEC. 1, 1995, 12:20 PM

It is certainly an unusual day for this opening of December… warm and mild… a day to shed the sweatshirt and enjoy the light “Spring” breeze. I called you to a teaching today, but you are surprised that it is here in Peter’s Park. It isn’t a comfortable writing posture, but I’m sure you can adapt.

Yes, o son, this is the very beginning of a lull in your practice of your profession. You still have a week of classes out here at the Farm and then many Finals to read, with grades to determine after that. Then comes the “rush” of Christmas, but it should be less strenuous than in other years. The “lull time” will be good for you, even as I shall not leave you with excessive “free time”. You are experiencing some early “disconnecting” from your teaching, and though it is a bit early, given your tentative date for retirement, you needn’t resist this too strongly. You are on a down grade from the high of teaching 3 classes a term. Be aware of this and appreciate the positive aspects of this gradual change. Relax a bit more with each class. Consider simplifying assignments, but keep those from which you learn. Whatever it takes, enjoy these last years.

Importantly, remember that you will be moving from something good to something better. Days such as this one, so far, will not have to be “stolen” from a host of responsibilities. You won’t have to make hard decisions about whether you have time for a Teaching. These will be a major reason for your being as you move into this next phase of your life. There will be time to attend to various needs on this fine Farm… and perhaps development of some more of it… and certainly enjoyment of the various experiences. You have been exceedingly fortunate, in quite a different way but also in some ways like Solomon. This “illegitimate” son of David was a good king, and for much of his life he utilized the gift of wisdom that I had offered him. But in his latter years he did turn away from Me. He turned away because of affluence and other successes. You could turn away from losses, of health and strength, of sight, of sufficient income… any “tragedies” that might come in your later years that would seem to reflect My lack of concern and caring for you.

I don’t say that there will be such, but if so I assure you such will be merely a spiritual test… kind of a “final Exam” on the maturation of your spirit, as Bob Russell. Can you remember all that I have given you and all that you have enjoyed as a chosen one of Mine? If you continue faithful in hearing and writing these Teachings I shall help you remember. If you fall away, for any reason, Solomon’s demise could also be yours.

It is good that your profession provides this “lull” as winter comes on. There is some work necessary in winter, but, fundamentally, it is a resting season. Oh, you still have much to do, with assigned tasks unaccomplished, and I shall prod you to finish what is needed. Still, it is a time to sit and contemplate – what has been and what still is to be. There will be a few emergencies, but meet these when you must, but be as unfussed as possible, so that this “season” is fully appreciated.

I have encouraged you to be very careful about acquiring any new books or publications. In this lull you can begin to consider what you shall keep that is now in your spacious office. It is not too soon to at least not be adding to what you shall finally have to keep and move or dispose of in some best way.

A lull is a time to catch up, to idle, and then to prepare for the next conformation of opportunities and duties. There still will be alternative uses for your time and energies, and decisions. This is why it is important to review and reconfirm your priorities and your rank ordering of such opportunities. Increasingly I should be rising in that ranking. (Do this, for today, before you go into town… you were going to forget something important.)

FRI., DEC. 1, 1995, 12:20 PM

It is certainly an unusual day for this opening of December… warm and mild… a day to shed the sweatshirt and enjoy the light “Spring” breeze. I called you to a teaching today, but you are surprised that it is here in Peter’s Park. It isn’t a comfortable writing posture, but I’m sure you can adapt.

Yes, o son, this is the very beginning of a lull in your practice of your profession. You still have a week of classes out here at the Farm and . . .

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