The Way Of Spirit

SAT., JULY 3, 1993, 6:58 AM

You know, for I have told you repeatedly, that the fundamental essence of life is spirit. Here in the earth, and in your culture, the mind and the body are so evident that it appears that these are the true reality. You know this more important truth, but without the reinforcement of these Teachings it could easily be supplanted.

Pain is your nightly companion, and this does call attention to the body… and some sort of dysfunction. I have no objection to your having further tests and taking medication, if this is medically advised. Yet I do want you to see this as part of your spiritual journey, and to employ, more consciously, the spiritual remedies that I suggest. You have not consciously and deliberately shown forth a more vibrant spirit to others around the campus, the town, the village. You do well at church, so I can tell when you are “hanging back” rather than shining forth.

You critique some reaction papers with the comment that the writer is “just one step back from expressing an emotional reaction.” I see you deserving the same critique as you are not as spiritually “alive” as I want you to be, even with strangers.

The present class is developing well, even as there is an obvious division between the four young black men and the rest of the group. This may be a difference that one short class can’t heal, but the way of spirit says “do what you can to bring them all together.” During this coming week continue to talk with individuals, showing forth spirit in that process. Love them for their willingness to share some of their life experiences, and continue to share some of yours.

You shall have to decide sometime soon about your projected trip, the drive to the West Coast. Consider the spiritual aspects of both making the trip and of staying home. The visits with Mabel, Joyce, Wilma Ruth, and Larry would be both spiritually enriching and somewhat confusing. This is almost inevitable when you interact with persons who clearly are on some spiritual path different from yours, even within My Christian way. The drive out and back will be tiring. To fly would be easier, but predictably more expensive (for you must always consider car expenses, with just normal ageing).

To remain here would be spiritually reviving, in a way. This summer work is demanding, and the Fall term will present its challenge rather soon. Lenore is under stress now, and so you must both consider which would be best, finally, for her spirit… the trip with its long drives, the more expensive flight mode, or a hopefully more relaxing time here on the Farm. Be sure and apply the spiritual criteria as you decide.

The way of the spirit is a rhythm (remember that concept!?)… even a dance… a balance between accepting and carrying out the responsibilities of your life and application of the spiritual knowledge that many of these responsibilities are unimportant, particularly in your stage of life.

You worked hard yesterday morning to mow some portions of your place, weed, clip, and have it looking nice for the class out around the picnic table. This was a nice balance, for you were concerned that the beauty of the place be evident… and the work was good for you. You shall have more dilemmas or choices such as this during this week. Be sure spirit is a factor as you allot your time.

SAT., JULY 3, 1993, 6:58 AM

You know, for I have told you repeatedly, that the fundamental essence of life is spirit. Here in the earth, and in your culture, the mind and the body are so evident that it appears that these are the true reality. You know this more important truth, but without the reinforcement of these Teachings it could easily be supplanted.

Pain is your nightly companion, and this does call attention to the body… and some sort of dysfunction. I have no objection to your having further tests and taking medication, if this . . .

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