The Way Of The Lord

SUN., NOV. 23, 1986, 6:02 AM

Harken, o son, for you are now experiencing the way of the Lord. It is a broad way, for I use a variety of individual approaches. Yet it is a leading way, and you certainly feel it, even as it is sometimes gentle and permissive and at other times almost harsh in its demands. I have used one of My best with you, and you recognized the nature of it rather soon. The result is important. You are here.

The way of the Lord can be demanding. I have been known to ask more of a person, of a family, or of a church community than it can seem to “produce.” The result may seem destructive (and occasionally it is, temporarily), but when spirit responds, growth occurs, and the life improves, even if not in the way the entity expects. I demand because I want you to progress. As a teacher and as an ex-coach you can and do appreciate this.

The way of the Lord is challenging. This is a softer form of demanding. As you respond in spirit you recognize the challenge, and what can be more stimulating than a challenge from the Lord God?! Challenge is the essence of life. When you no longer can accept challenges your useful life is in jeopardy. When you no longer recognize challenges, your spiritual life is at a standstill. Remember that, in ultimate spiritual perspective, everything that can be perceived as a problem is in truth a challenge. As you express this to someone else, less spiritually “gifted” or developed, it sounds like an interpretation by Pollyana. Some problems really are problems… right? Not in My way, o son. Challenge to spirit. That’s more like it.

The way of the Lord is guiding. For you, this that We do together is a fairly unique “guidance system.” You had chances last evening to give some suggestive testimony about your faith and this guidance you receive. You didn’t take advantage of these opportunities, but you are now guided to consider what “might have been”… and take up the next one with a bit more spiritual tone. You can do this, but it requires guidance. My way certainly includes this.

The way of the Lord is optimistic. In My view of earth life there is no cause to be pessimistic and glum. You have made some mistakes in judgment on this trip. Each is a challenge. My way is an upward way. With your hand in Mine you shall progress, no matter what the obstacles. And if you are optimistic, in the fashion that I encourage, you increasingly see that what initially seems hard and problematic ultimately is resolved easily or provides a true impetus to the development of spiritual power.

You have dimmed memories of the pain and disability in your leg and back, just a few years back. This taught you optimism. Whatever the result you could grow in spirit. The result was recovery, partly because you accepted the worst possible consequences as equal gifts from Me. It isn’t a logical way, certainly, but I like it.

The way of the Lord is accepting. Though some of My oft-quoted Scriptures seem restrictive and rejecting of all but a few, faithful in a hard way, I accept and say “Try again” or “Come yet again.” There are many paths to reunion with Me. I accept attempts… and starts that seem false. Why?

SUN., NOV. 23, 1986, 6:02 AM

Harken, o son, for you are now experiencing the way of the Lord. It is a broad way, for I use a variety of individual approaches. Yet it is a leading way, and you certainly feel it, even as it is sometimes gentle and permissive and at other times almost harsh in its demands. I have used one of My best with you, and you recognized the nature of it rather soon. The result is important. You are here.

The way of the Lord can be demanding. I . . .

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