The Wellspring Is Developing…

TUES., MAY 27, 1997, 8:35 PM

This first, and most important, summer class is going well, and the Wellspring is developing about as it should. The activities have been varied, and you’re helping those in the group become better acquainted with one another. Just continue to remember that the Wellspring is one of Interacting, which is a behavior more than a concept.

You haven’t decided what to do about the activity of judging the spiritual quality of church sanctuaries. That has been a good experience in the past, but it is, or has been, a rather individualistic one. Consider making it a group project, with groups of 4 that have to come up with a composite judgment. You can work out the details, but something like I am suggesting makes it fit better with the Wellspring’s true nature. Yes, the groups could then be the same ones for the Friday meal.

You have been pleased with the variety of stories that have come in, representing most of the facets, including Spirits. It has been fun to read these… even to comment on them. You shall not have such opportunities as you move into your emeritus life-style… unless you decide to volunteer for some assignment in the future. You have many wonderful papers from this and previous years. Value these, and have them available for re-reading during these next years.

Yes, o son, I have offered you the thought of a monthly or semi-monthly gathering of students interested in the spiritual as an important interaction for best health. It would be best to have it out here, probably late afternoon… or an evening. Way back when you were enjoying the experiences with the Sunday morning class you thought about a student group, but never quite followed up on the idea. Now, with no regular classes you could offer such, and see what happens. Now there is good interest in a small group of your present students. They’ll be here next year, and could be the nucleus that would not forget you as quickly as if you had no function in your major field.

You realize that this is a special (even a sacred) place, and students enjoy coming here. It could be even more enticing if it were the Farm of one non retired… even one who is a bit of a legend. You certainly don’t want to progress into being “busy”, with responsibilities, but it would be good if some future students could have this “Farm experience”, as so many former students have enjoyed and from which they’ve profited. It is, after all, the Wellspring in action.

You are probably unworried about enough “content” for the course. You have given them… and you reinforced it today… the model and the theoretical basis for the Wellspring. That’s enough. Now just continue to encourage creativity and activity in manifesting how it is part of health.

Health is the quality of one’s functioning and adapting. Functioning in relation to other persons is certainly both an indication of health and a means for health improvement. Functioning as a spiritual being, in interaction with others, with the physical/spiritual environment, and with various “kinds” of spirits (including Me) is an exercise in health. Adapting to new or to changed situations represents other ways to grow in health. To be a fine adapter is certainly one important way to demonstrate health, say I.

Comfort is what you feel in relation to this Human/Spiritual Interacting Wellspring, and you should be able to write some articles telling of its importance. You don’t have to do this for professional advancement or retention, but you could do it just for Me. I would be pleased to have this Wellspring identified and reinforced as a legitimate, valued aspect of health. Isn’t this what I’ve told you I want from you, in return for My continuing helpful friendship?

TUES., MAY 27, 1997, 8:35 PM

This first, and most important, summer class is going well, and the Wellspring is developing about as it should. The activities have been varied, and you’re helping those in the group become better acquainted with one another. Just continue to remember that the Wellspring is one of Interacting, which is a behavior more than a concept.

You haven’t decided what to do about the activity of judging the spiritual quality of church sanctuaries. That has been a good experience in the past, but it is, or has been, a . . .

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