The Whirl Of Life

FEB. 8, 1981, 6:19 AM

As your mind and spirit seek relationship with Mine this morning you are struck with the whirl that is your life now. This, then seems to be an apt title, o son. Why are you whirling? Is the whirling necessary? What are alternatives?

Let us commence with a positive note. Your afternoon at the Farm was certainly an experience in “unwhirling” yesterday. It is looking neater with each trip, and now your enjoyment of it increases. You might try, this week, going out there for some writing. A change of place could be important to getting you going. It is worth a try. Still… consider how long you have had “Tape for Michael and Wendy” on your list, and now it has been completed. For everything there is a season.

Making that tape was an interesting combination of experiences. It initially had a “whirling” quality to it, for it seemed to be appended to all of the other activity of last evening. Yet when you got into it there was, therein, the peace that passes all understanding… no interruptions… just a quiet late evening to share teachings in this way. I won’t hold you to making a copy of that tape. Just send it off, but know that this is a medium into which you should be moving (though not whirling). Select a shorter sequence, of more general, theological themes. That should be your next one… to be available for some who would like to know more of what We do together.

John Patrick is among you now for continued healing. He seeks answers as to why and what next, and these shall arise and develop. He needs encouragement both to quiet healing and to altered directions. He must be still in the midst of the whirl that his life has become. Of course it is an opportunity for spiritual growth, and he knows this. Each day he must seek a slightly different balance between acceptance of the now and a look toward the tomorrows that loom ahead. These balances will make up a rhythm, certainly. He can be partly aware of this now, and will have to await the perspective of time for a fuller picture.

Consider again, your own rhythm at this time. In some ways it is quite commendable. Each of your classes is off to a good start with more spirit being consciously included in what you do and say and in how you carry each session through. You are reasonably faithful to this time of meditation, and your faith in this as a time of true instruction is now quite solid. Your relations with individual students is generally good.

Yet there also is a “whirl” quality, manifested in the activities that lie ahead and in the responsibilities and opportunities yet unfulfilled. This can be part of a desirable rhythm, for it prevents stagnation and gives you purpose and direction for life ahead. The “whirl” has this value… and also it is a test, in a way, of your capacities to function and adapt while in the midst of a whirl. I say again, about My contributions to this “whirl”… if I want you to do something I shall tell you… and tell you again… and persist until it is done. I often give you a time limit, and occasionally this is critical, but usually just desirable rather than necessary. You must balance My requests with the other opportunities of life, many of which are also of Me, but just not identified.

The crucial matter (that which emanates from the cross) is that you are aware of the spirit within all that you do and that you appreciate My parts in the life you lead. When you whirl too fast these times of realization never quite happen. Then it is time to regroup and realign.

You wonder about the state of the world in which you live… economically, socially, militarily. You read… and know certain things… but then it, too, begins to whirl. You wonder whether there are things you should do… of magnitude… or whether quietly cleaning the Farm basement is your contribution to world stability and maintenance. Know that I shall lead you to do what is necessary. Otherwise, contribute as you have the opportunity.

The whirl of life can be exciting and profitable… or it can be distracting and frustrating. You have some control over how it shall balance. Keep your hand in Mine, and, together We shall make the most of the whirl. Enjoy this day and its many opportunities.

Shalom on a Sunday morn
7:24 AM