The Widow’s Mite

WED., MAY 2, 1990, 6:23 AM

In two days you have another of these small opportunities in life… a short presentation to a group of Christian women. The theme has been given to you, but now you need some help from Me. Lenore has urged this also. So, you are here, and I am also. Hear, o son.

The widow’s mite is the accepted title for almost a one-liner that I, as Jesus, offered to My disciples. You know the situation, as recorded in Mark and in Luke. IN the temple We watched people make offerings to Me, as Almighty God, mostly a portion of their plenty. Then came a poor widow who offered too copper coins, and I had to make the disciples aware of this… that she had given all that she had. She was needy, but she gave, and therefore her gift was of greater value than those that were just a portion, and not truly a sacrifice.

She was poor, and she was a widow, in a time and place where this widowhood gave her low status. Believing in Me, it was hard for her to feel blessed. And yet she was, and she knew it. There was no help for her in her earth life, and therefore she had to trust in Me. Without hope in this life she either had to have faith in a heavenly future or be in utter despair. She had faith, and therefore she gave.

You have only a tiny perception of how this would feel. You have never been in this kind of absolute wan. You give to the church symbolically “off the top”… your first check of the month… but you know you shall have plenty for the necessities, even some luxuries of life. When money is tight you do not give to causes in greater need than you.

( 6:55 / 7:44 )

Yet the story is about more than money, and therefore is incomplete. How did she give of herself, beyond her two coins? Coins are a symbol, and yet they do not represent completely. How much are you giving of yourself, so that others might benefit? And I’ll say again… the magnitude of the cause is of no consequence… it is the motivation and dedication that is of concern to Me. You can be dedicated to other people and a cause, such as justice, or you can be dedicated to Me. What I want to see is concern beyond self. Remember… if you have done it unto one of the least of these you have done it unto Me. That was and is a critical spiritual utterance.

There are numerous needs in the earth. In once sense I am concerned with them all… from the plight of a poor woman with the responsibility of children to forestalling an exchange of nuclear warheads over some dispute about principles. In another sense I am concerned with none of these specific needs, but only with spiritual commitment and growth. Each is an aspect of Me. Neither is more important than the other.

Let Me offer you the extremes as I see them in earth life. There is the lone widow, dependent upon others, with little substance, yet who trusts in Me, gives from her poverty, and spends her life in quiet but persistent service to others. Her concern for herself is only in being able to serve Me well. She shines in the earth. In contrast is the affluent wife, with goods, services, family, and friends galore whose concern is with social standing and prestige. She gives, but likes credit for her giving. She volunteers, but must be recognized. Her family is an extension of her. She does not deny Me. She just has no need of Me.

Most fall between these extremes, with some tendencies each way. I see such diverse tendencies in you. I continue to urge you to see your life opportunities in relation to Me. Continue your teaching as a dedication to Me. Write each letter as a gift to Me. Fertilize your roses in dedication to Me. Be committed, but not attached. Accept the pleasures that come from what you do, as My response to your gift to Me.

WED., MAY 2, 1990, 6:23 AM

In two days you have another of these small opportunities in life… a short presentation to a group of Christian women. The theme has been given to you, but now you need some help from Me. Lenore has urged this also. So, you are here, and I am also. Hear, o son.

The widow’s mite is the accepted title for almost a one-liner that I, as Jesus, offered to My disciples. You know the situation, as recorded in Mark and in Luke. IN the temple We watched people make . . .

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